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Parkpl. Mauerbach - Augustinertrail - Hahnbaumberg - Taglesberg - Kartause Mauerbach - Hirschgarten - Sophienalpe - Mostalm - Mostalmtrail


Parkpl. Mauerbach - Augustinertrail - Hahnbaumberg - Taglesberg - Kartause Mauerbach - Hirschgarten - Sophienalpe - Mostalm - Mostalmtrail

Parkpl. Mauerbach - Augustinertrail - Hahnbaumberg - Taglesberg - Kartause Mauerbach - Hirschgarten - Sophienalpe - Mostalm - Mostalmtrail

30,5 km
12,3 km/h
850 m
840 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
3,85 km
20,6 km
26,1 km
27,7 km
28,9 km
30,5 km



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ha fatto un giro in MTB

13 ottobre 2018


  • 13 ottobre 2018

    Hello nature lovers!

    The start of this route is up to 2km at least for me more or less impassable, very steep lots of foliage and branches or trees along the way and the last section was barely visible. Since I would recommend a bypass and will then put these online again.

    The Augustiner Trail is great

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 13 ottobre 2018

    ... about 2km later I had a 35 minute conversation with a forester. He wanted to explain to me that you can not drive this way, because you can only push. But he was very friendly, I wanted to make alternatives palatable, but then said "I can go on if I really want to but gscheit go there is not". But

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