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sirius ha scoperto questo luogo con komoot!

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Sandsteinhöhlen in und um Langenstein 08.09.2021


Sandsteinhöhlen in und um Langenstein 08.09.2021

Sandsteinhöhlen in und um Langenstein 08.09.2021

26,4 km
234,9 km/h
240 m
230 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
75 m
3,66 km
8,13 km
8,26 km
20,1 km

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26,4 km



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e hanno fatto un giro in MTB

8 settembre 2021


  • 8 settembre 2021

    Today we cycled the tour planned by Gabriele to the sandstone caves near Langenstein.

    But not at the specified speed 😨. When tailoring the tour, the kilometer information was taken over correctly, but Komoot has exaggerated slightly at the speed 😎

    Otherwise, the tour led again through a varied landscape

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 8 settembre 2021

    The apartment is interesting. As always, beautiful photos. 🤗

    Tradotto daVedi originale

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