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Kirsten 🌺 ha scoperto questo luogo con komoot!

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Kirsten 🌺

Grauer Himmel ☁️ und lila blühende Heide 💜💜💜

Kirsten 🌺

Grauer Himmel ☁️ und lila blühende Heide 💜💜💜

Grauer Himmel ☁️ und lila blühende Heide 💜💜💜

9,39 km
3,2 km/h
170 m
140 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
88 m
838 m
1,15 km
1,15 km
1,31 km
1,31 km
2,53 km
2,80 km
2,80 km
Auf dem Brunsberg 130m hoch
3,28 km
3,31 km
3,36 km
4,05 km
Ziegenbart / klebriger Hörnling
4,81 km
5,65 km
5,65 km
6,39 km
Drüsiges Springkraut
6,86 km
6,86 km
Brücke über den Büsenbach
Gemeiner Riesenschirmling
Blick vom Pferdekopf 78m hoch
7,31 km
7,34 km
7,68 km
7,69 km
7,69 km
Rohrkolben im Feenteich
8,06 km
8,15 km
8,82 km
8,93 km
9,39 km



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e hanno fatto un'escursione.

29 agosto 2021


  • 29 agosto 2021

    With our Buchholz friends🚶‍♂️🚶🏼‍♀️🚶🚶🏾‍♀️ we went on a wonderful hike through the blooming heather 💜. Our way led us from Seppensen through the Höllenschlucht to the Brunsberg ⛰. The view was impressive. It went on to the horse's head, here too the heather blooms beautifully. Below are the idyllic

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  • 29 agosto 2021

    You are always very quick to work through togos. Who did you have with you this time? A Mauli replacement? A relative of Ixi's? The heather is beautiful even when it rains (but that's enough again with the rainy hikes!)

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 29 agosto 2021

    Great pictures, nice to see the tour from different perspectives, although I would have wished you had more sun with the weather view. For that you had fine 🍰 cakes in the sheepfold.

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  • 29 agosto 2021

    Hello Kathrin, the bear doesn't belong to us. It sat in a garden and served me as a photo opportunity. The purple of the heather is of course much more effective in the sunshine. But we take it as it comes. Because of the rainy weather, at least it wasn't as crowded.

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  • Really beautiful photos 🤩 Now I got a taste for it! And there's Büxen there😍 .... even a custom-made product for bow-legged footballers🤭⚽️

    Great, the purple ones (oops, purple doesn't exist, I learned from Dolle🤓) The blooming heather carpet is a blast👍👍

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  • 29 agosto 2021

    super beautiful pictures, and a little more on heather than on my tour in Wittmoor today 👌😀

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  • 29 agosto 2021

    A great tour, great photos! And so varied: forest, heather, ponds. I'll see in a moment whether the heather is likely to still bloom when we get back from vacation.

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  • 29 agosto 2021

    Kirsten: the mountain ash on the Brunsberg looks familiar to me. 😅 I also found the color contrast great.

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  • 30 agosto 2021

    Moin Dolle, nice that we took photos from different perspectives 📸 .... that's a nice addition. We enjoyed the hike even without the sun and the cake even more 🍰😋. Thanks for your nice comment.


    Moin Ina, if you want to see the heather 💜 in full bloom, now is exactly the right time ⏰. It's really worth

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  • 30 agosto 2021

    I had also photographed the mountain ash a week ago. Then fell victim to my anger to be sorted out because there were more mountain ash photos. There is already a very distinctive tree there ...

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  • 30 agosto 2021

    Moin Jörn, thank you for your praise. The heathland on the Brunsberg and on the Pferdekopf are really big. That surprised even us. A great landscape 🔝


    Moin Ulrike, maybe you are lucky and you can also enjoy the heather. I wish it for you. And thanks for the lovely comment ❣


    Moin Mohegan, the mountain

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 30 agosto 2021

    Moin Kathrin, you just have to set priorities. For this, the Heidschnucken have been given a place in your record🐏 🥰. And I like the mountain ash picture with the hanging branches on the upper picture book much better anyway 📸🔝

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