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willyvb 🇧🇪 ha scoperto questo luogo con komoot!

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willyvb 🇧🇪

Jirnsum Earnewoud Alde Faenen Akrum Terhorne

willyvb 🇧🇪

Jirnsum Earnewoud Alde Faenen Akrum Terhorne

Jirnsum Earnewoud Alde Faenen Akrum Terhorne

51,2 km
21,8 km/h
40 m
40 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
2,08 km
6,06 km
6,17 km
11,9 km
15,1 km
15,8 km
27,6 km
45,7 km
45,7 km

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51,2 km



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e 2 altre persone hanno fatto un giro in bici.

13 agosto 2021


  • 14 agosto 2021

    This cycle tour takes the courageous cyclist through an almost infinitely large recreational area with a multitude of leisure boats.

    On windy days it can be quite an effort for the brave yet untrained cyclist who can literally get the wind out of the front. The 5 ferries on this route can also lead to considerable delays.

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