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Camping Sehlendorf zum Campingplatz Fehmarnbelt


Camping Sehlendorf zum Campingplatz Fehmarnbelt

Camping Sehlendorf zum Campingplatz Fehmarnbelt

64,7 km
17,0 km/h
220 m
230 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
7,90 km
11,4 km
40,0 km
45,8 km
46,0 km
46,1 km
48,1 km
51,6 km
54,8 km
56,4 km

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64,7 km



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ha fatto un giro in bici.

23 luglio 2021


  • 27 luglio 2021

    A trip around Fehmarn by bike was on the agenda. I have planned two stages for this. To get to the point, I had to end the second section early because of a defect on the bike and take the train back.

    We set off from the beautiful Platen Hohwachter Bucht campsite in Sehlendorf. Destination camping site

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