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Über den Bildstein und den Jägersteig an den Schluchsee - Runde von Fischbach


Über den Bildstein und den Jägersteig an den Schluchsee - Runde von Fischbach

Über den Bildstein und den Jägersteig an den Schluchsee - Runde von Fischbach

14,2 km
5,3 km/h
380 m
390 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
1,94 km
1,94 km
3,36 km
8,02 km
10,5 km

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14,2 km



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ha fatto un'escursione.

20 luglio 2021


  • 20 luglio 2021

    Wonderful tour with viewpoints, narrow forest paths, repeated views over the lake, bathing area and, if you like, with a café. The Schluchsee currently has so much water that you can only swim from a small protrusion of the wall during the Amalienruhe.

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