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Ansgar ha scoperto questo luogo con komoot!

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Von Schutzhütte am Parkplatz Ebertswiese nach Bergsee Ebertswiese


Von Schutzhütte am Parkplatz Ebertswiese nach Bergsee Ebertswiese

Von Schutzhütte am Parkplatz Ebertswiese nach Bergsee Ebertswiese

6,83 km
3,7 km/h
190 m
190 m
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Riepilogo Tour

389 m
640 m
715 m
3,06 km
3,70 km
4,18 km
5,08 km
6,32 km

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6,83 km



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ha fatto un'escursione.

19 luglio 2021


  • 19 luglio 2021

    Just a short tour this afternoon. But there are even more highlights on the short route.

    We reached the highest point of the tour quickly. However, by a long way not all altitude meters 😉. After a wide view of the island mountain, it went over a path (rather fairways with the smallest biotopes) down

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