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Im Lohmarer Wald - Stallberger Fischteiche und Friedwald


Im Lohmarer Wald - Stallberger Fischteiche und Friedwald

Im Lohmarer Wald - Stallberger Fischteiche und Friedwald

8,68 km
5,0 km/h
70 m
70 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
1,90 km
Stallberger Fischteich
Stallberger Fischteich
7,68 km

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8,68 km



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ha fatto un'escursione.

10 giugno 2021


  • 13 giugno 2021

    Today it should only be a small round in the Lohmar forest. Actually, the idea was to walk as many shady paths as possible. But at lunchtime the sun is now so high that it doesn't work on the main paths in the Lohmar Forest and you should only stay on the narrow paths if possible, which unfortunately

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