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Uwe H. ha scoperto questo luogo con komoot!

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Uwe H.

Nach Hause 6/21 - Über die 🏰🏰🏰Burgen

Uwe H.

Nach Hause 6/21 - Über die 🏰🏰🏰Burgen

Nach Hause 6/21 - Über die 🏰🏰🏰Burgen

56,2 km
15,5 km/h
800 m
660 m
  • Salva una copia di questo percorso

Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
5,51 km
6,39 km
6,99 km
9,60 km
12,4 km
19,2 km
19,9 km
20,5 km
20,5 km
20,7 km
25,2 km
25,3 km
25,5 km
28,0 km
28,2 km
29,5 km
29,6 km
30,8 km
31,0 km
31,5 km
32,7 km
39,8 km
40,8 km
50,4 km
50,7 km
51,0 km
51,2 km
51,5 km
51,5 km
52,6 km
52,8 km
54,0 km
56,2 km



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ha fatto un giro in MTB

10 maggio 2021


  • 10 maggio 2021

    Great tour!

    Steigerwald Trails, Apfelstedt Trail, the "Drei Gleichen", Schlossleitetrail, Jonastaltrail (the hammer), Thuringia ...

    Should anyone want to follow the tour, from Graefenroda you can comfortably return to Erfurt with the STB.

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • Great tour! 👌😎 The three equals are always worth a visit! 🏰🤩

    I saved the tour directly! 👍

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 10 maggio 2021

    @Uwe I want to go with 😉

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 10 maggio 2021

    A nice tour Tour Uwe. Did you have the smell of wild garlic in your nose?

    I really enjoy walking the Gustav Freytag Trail, it has something philosophical about it 😉

    best regards

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 10 maggio 2021

    Christel, the air was full of scents today, but rapeseed was predominant.

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • Saved! Thanks.

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 11 maggio 2021

    Very nice tour. 👍

    To what extent is the "Jonastaltrail" in the military training area?

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 11 maggio 2021

    Sometimes he goes straight to the limit but not directly on the practice area.

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 12 maggio 2021

    I've already seen photos of it. Looks pretty interesting. So far, I have always been deterred by the presentation of the TrÜPl. I think I'll check out the trail.

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 12 maggio 2021

    It actually always goes parallel to the street. So in a pinch you can get further there. However, there are a number of variants and "ramifications" with various difficulties, so you have to see what fits.

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 14 maggio 2021

    Thanks for the suggestion, comrade namesake Uwe. I already knew the castles, but not yet the Jonastaltrail. So today I used the free bridge day and followed your tour slightly adapted. Really nice. Torsten, you can't see the practice area down in the valley. Yes, there is a warning sign and formally

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 14 maggio 2021

    @ Uwe: Thanks for your explanation. 👍 If it hadn't rained today, we might have met there. The trail was on my plan today. But after it rained in ARN, I threw my plan overboard and followed my nose. Until the next shower. 🙈

    Tradotto daVedi originale

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