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Kein guter Einstieg nach ner Erkältung 🤮


Kein guter Einstieg nach ner Erkältung 🤮

Kein guter Einstieg nach ner Erkältung 🤮

112 km
29,7 km/h
900 m
890 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
15,7 km
21,1 km
28,7 km
29,7 km
107 km
112 km



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ha fatto un giro in bici da corsa.

2 giugno 2018


  • 2 giugno 2018

    Oh dear, first make it slow and ideally in the first week after the symptoms have resolved nothing. Then slowly start the foundation. Is stupid, but I would not risk anything. I also recently had to go through again, 4 weeks before Malle312. But heart muscle inflammation is not fun. But I'm sure you

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  • 3 giugno 2018

    Thank's for the Tipps! I made an effort to slow down, but two weeks with almost no sports and plenty of alcohol and good food and the cold made me actually slow down (was also on the pulse) and then came the inexperience with racing cycling in warmer weather to: not enough drunk and cramps 😖 but enough

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