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Maik ha scoperto questo luogo con komoot!

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Der lange Haaatsch


Der lange Haaatsch

Der lange Haaatsch

8,85 km
5,2 km/h
510 m
490 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
123 m
2,38 km
3,37 km
3,56 km
3,68 km
3,68 km
3,76 km
3,99 km
5,20 km
5,53 km
5,95 km
6,38 km
6,39 km
8,78 km

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8,85 km



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e hanno fatto un Tour.

27 gennaio 2021


  • 27 gennaio 2021

    After the 15 km regulation became obsolete, it was off to the Fichtelmountains.

    With the great depth of snow, the "long Haaatsch" once again went over the Lug ins Land Felsen across various rock formations towards the quarry.

    Today we went down through the gully towards the summit 🐷 well, there must have

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 2 febbraio 2021

    Nice pictures and nice tour. The canyon is really wild.

    The Fichtelmountains still have some secrets to offer.

    Greetings from KC

    Tradotto daVedi originale

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