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Zum Gülper See, ja wo Isser denn ?


Zum Gülper See, ja wo Isser denn ?

Zum Gülper See, ja wo Isser denn ?

63,9 km
18,8 km/h
280 m
280 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
5,75 km
Stupide neben der Straße lang
13,3 km
Ziemlich schmal für Sputnik

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63,9 km



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ha fatto un giro in bici.

21 settembre 2020


  • 21 settembre 2020

    I wanted to go to Gülper See, it was advertised several times. But since the Havelland is a nature reserve, you can't get there. Locals certainly know it. Well apart from that the lane routes for

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 21 settembre 2020

    Not really suitable for my tricycle, it was still a nice day .. In the morning it was still pretty cold but when the sun came it was easy to bear.

    Tradotto daVedi originale

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