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Schloss Beuchow ha scoperto questo luogo con komoot!

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Schloss Beuchow

Spreewald Rundtour / Schloss Beuchow

Schloss Beuchow

Spreewald Rundtour / Schloss Beuchow

Spreewald Rundtour / Schloss Beuchow

26,9 km
-- km/h
70 m
70 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
923 m
1,57 km
8,40 km
10,7 km
15,5 km
15,5 km
17,2 km
17,5 km

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26,9 km



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ha fatto un giro in bici.

11 gennaio 2018


  • 15 gennaio 2018

    This tour leads from Schloss Beuchow into the Spreewald. First we drive to the forest inn Wotschowska on the Erleninsel. Built in 1894 and reachable only by water until 1911, the restoration has its own boat harbor. The bike path runs along the canals, the bikes have to be spent several times over the

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