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Radtour Harz - Hoheneggelsen - Goslar, Granetal u. Innerstetalsperre, Seesen - Salzgitter Bad, Gebhardshagen, Söhlde


Radtour Harz - Hoheneggelsen - Goslar, Granetal u. Innerstetalsperre, Seesen - Salzgitter Bad, Gebhardshagen, Söhlde

Radtour Harz - Hoheneggelsen - Goslar, Granetal u. Innerstetalsperre, Seesen - Salzgitter Bad, Gebhardshagen, Söhlde

126 km
30,9 km/h
960 m
970 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
3,00 km
3,00 km
39,0 km
109 km
111 km
112 km
112 km
112 km
113 km
114 km
114 km
118 km
121 km

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126 km



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e 3 altre persone hanno fatto un giro in bici.

13 settembre 2020


  • 13 settembre 2020

    The tour was 68.3 km by bike and the journey time was 4 hours 13 minutes.


    We took the train from Hoheneggelsen, via Hildesheim, to Goslar, from where we started our dam tour. Unfortunately Komoot simply draws a straight line between two points when the stop function is activated. Therefore, two straight

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