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Söhni 🏃 ha pianificato questa avventura con komoot

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Söhni 🏃

DVV PW Historischer Westlicher Ochsenweg und Langenberger Forst / Leck (PW 72 SH)

Söhni 🏃

DVV PW Historischer Westlicher Ochsenweg und Langenberger Forst / Leck (PW 72 SH)

DVV PW Historischer Westlicher Ochsenweg und Langenberger Forst / Leck (PW 72 SH)

10,7 km
3,9 km/h
50 m
50 m
Percorso escursionistico intermedio. Buon allenamento richiesto. Sentieri facilmente percorribili. Adatto a ogni livello di abilità.

Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
10,7 km



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ha pianificato un'escursione.

17 luglio 2023


  • 9 settembre 2017

    Especially in recent times, the Ochsenweg enjoys ever greater popularity, the eastern Ochsenweg is already expanded to the Fernradwanderweg and the western Ochsenweg is included in the rural structural and development analysis of the community leak.

    The Ochsenweg is an ancient land route from Vikings

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