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Gertrud 🐾🇩🇪 ha scoperto questo luogo con komoot!

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Gertrud 🐾🇩🇪

NSG Üfter-, Rüster Mark

Gertrud 🐾🇩🇪

NSG Üfter-, Rüster Mark

NSG Üfter-, Rüster Mark

10,6 km
4,6 km/h
110 m
100 m
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Riepilogo Tour

0 m
246 m
2,77 km
3,93 km

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10,6 km



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e hanno fatto un'escursione.

21 luglio 2020


  • 21 luglio 2020

    Also a very great area, as you can see in your beautiful pictures. 👌🏻

    Your Wauzi seems to have settled in too. She is definitely overjoyed to have landed with you. So many beautiful hikes that she can take part in. 😍

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 21 luglio 2020

    Yes, Hera has settled in very well, where I did not expect it to be so quick and uncomplicated. Before, she didn't have it so well. She still has a few quirks that we have to wean off her, but I'm hopeful.

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