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Rusty (Uwe + Sabine) ha scoperto questo luogo con komoot!

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Rusty (Uwe + Sabine)

Im Reivo NP durch den Schnee gestapft

Rusty (Uwe + Sabine)

Im Reivo NP durch den Schnee gestapft

Im Reivo NP durch den Schnee gestapft

11,7 km
4,6 km/h
60 m
20 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
Viel Schnee auf dem Holz Aussichtsturm. Nur ein kleiner Teil ist geräumt.
Blick vom Aussichtspunkt
Impressionen auf der Fahrt
Impressionen auf der Fahrt
Blick vom Aussichtspunkt
Impressionen auf der Fahrt
Impressionen auf der Fahrt
Impressionen auf der Fahrt
Unser Nachlager vom Aussichtsturm aus
Kapelle aus Eis in Vilhelmina, Innenaufnahme
Impressionen auf der Fahrt
Impressionen auf der Fahrt
Kapelle aus Eis in Vilhelmina, Innenaufnahme
Kapelle aus Eis in Vilhelmina
Impressionen auf der Fahrt
Unser Ziel, Reivo NP, leider mit Autos unpassierbar. Nur Ski, Schneemobil oder Schneeschuhe
Blick vom Aussichtspunkt
Blick vom Aussichtspunkt
Blick vom Aussichtspunkt
Blick vom Aussichtspunkt
Unser "Nachtlager" am Aussichtspunkt von Storuman
Vildmannen, 7 m hohe Statue, Wahrzeichen von Storuman
Die größte Holzkirche Schwedens, BJ 1886, auch Lappland-Kathedrale genannt
110 m
Unser Nachtlager vor unbewohnten Gebäuden, 6 km vor dem Ziel im Reivo NP
1,06 km
Fußmarsch zur Schutzhütte im NP
2,83 km
3,44 km
4,77 km
Wohnhaus am Weg, der normal eine Schotterstraße ist, Schnee bis zu den Fenstern
Der Weg sieht geräumt aus. Das täuscht, es sind nur gering verdichtete Spuren von Schnee-Mobilen.
Kleine Schutzhütte mit Ofen (Kamin), leider verschlossen
5,67 km
Unser Ziel, wildes Vamp mit Einrichtungen
Die Schutzhütte ist offen und verfügt über Feuerstelle, Brennholz, Liege und Sitzplätze
Schutzhütte, die Feuerstelle kokelt noch, wahrscheinlich von letzter Nacht
Holzlager, Säge, Axt, Besen, alles da
Der Weg zum Toillettenhäusle ist gebahnt
WC-Häusle innen, sorry .... 😀
Das Eisloch im See
Ups, ein Loch im Eis. Da sind wir gerade um wenige Meter vorbei gelaufen.
8,13 km
11,1 km
Rückmarsch zum Womo
11,7 km



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ha fatto un'escursione.

8 marzo 2020


  • 8 marzo 2020

    I have a bad network and I can't get any pictures 🙄

    We'll be back in civilization tomorrow, then I'll catch up.

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • Don't forget it 😉

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 8 marzo 2020

    Uwe forgets nothing 😀

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • You don't believe how it worries me. Now have a different network, but it is not enough for pictures.

    Do normal thethering from a cell phone to a laptop. I can't even get into Komoot with the laptop.

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • I already describe with my cell phone:

    Yesterday we left our place in dream weather. The ride was a pleasure, although there were still no reindeer to be seen.

    We visited and photographed the largest wooden church in all of Sweden. Also called "Lapland Cathedral".

    For the night we drove on snow slopes to

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • Today the sky was overcast and it was snowing more and less.

    Spontaneously we made the decision to cross the Arctic Circle via Mo i Rana and then take the ferry to Lofoten via Bodö.

    After we left our scenic mountain without snow chains and had already turned in the direction, we remembered that we still

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • The day today was that we drove to the Reivo NP, hoping that the road could be driven by cars. In summer 2017 we spent wonderful days right on the water in the park. As is more common in Sweden, infrastructure was available to visitors. Refuge with seating and sleeping places. A large fireplace and grill

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • The route felt at least twice as long. We found our place. The shelter was open and was recently used. Scooters and ski tracks testified to this and there were also remains of smoke in the fireplace. We trudged footprints up to the toilet house. It did not go further, when I tried to visit our stand

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • What is meant is a sauna house with a wood stove to stir up yourself. It will hardly be possible to heat up to over 70 degrees and you will always stir up. But this experience is indescribable. You stay in it longer in the light of the tea lights and the flickering of the wood fire. 👍👍👍

    In the ideal

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • I have posted the pictures. The pictures during the journey are hopelessly mixed up. That cannot be corrected, at least for me. 😀

    The pictures of the hike also have the usual mix-ups, but at least fit the location.

    So I mostly labeled the pictures.

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 9 marzo 2020

    Snow ... snow - as far as the eye can see ... tell Uwe - have you "met up there" with like-minded people ... have the impression - you are (almost) the only ones 😀

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • Few Germans are on the road here. We can be a time without hustle and bustle. Now we are on the CP in Arvidjaur. There are a lot of vehicles, mainly from Sweden. Most seem to be uninhabited and will probably not be visited again until the weekend.

    You have good and easy contact with Sweden.

    When we are

    Tradotto daVedi originale

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