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Steigerwald & Hassberge


Steigerwald & Hassberge

Steigerwald & Hassberge

Raccolta by Frank

4 Tour

13:26 h

189 km

4.290 m

Hier kann man es laufen lassen, ob in Endlos-Singletrails wie am Eberhardtrail oder im Endurogelände wie in Oberschwarzach oder in Handthal. Helm auf!

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. Steigerwald: Sand am Main - Eberhardtrail - Zabelstein - Jägersteig - Hollacher Berg - Ebersberg (😍Singletrails non-stop bis zum abwinken😍)

    56,3 km
    12,5 km/h
    1.090 m
    1.100 m

    At breakfast I watched as the coffee cup slowly wandered off the table because the excavator was in the process of plowing up my garden😱😭.


    The ideal time for the forest ... I'll take Steigerwald. Bomb weather for 3 days, I'll try the Böhlsgrund, even if I know that it poured quite a bit a week ago.



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  2. Today my work shift was postponed and the coffee party at Grandma's was canceled so that I could take a look at the “nastier” trails in the Steigerwald with Ronny and Alex. And I can only say, 1000 thanks for inviting me, what is just awesome.


    Great trails around Oberschwarzach, everything included, residents

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 02:31
    32,7 km
    13,0 km/h
    1.060 m
    1.060 m



    ...Ciao, e chi non era fuori oggi?


    Dopo la spalla quasi nuova della nostra guida, dopo averci scoraggiato dall'Eberhardtrail, oggi ci ha guidato attraverso i suoi sentieri di casa.

    Sfortunatamente, il dio della bicicletta non era con noi oggi. È iniziato con il fatto che il

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  5. Monday morning 11.30. Where am i going You can choose from Hassberge or Franconian. Franconian would have more rocks, I think, Hassberge would not be so far ... so fewer rocks, drive more. It should turn out differently ...


    In Obermerzbach parked two villages further Kettenriss. Back again, drove to Ebern

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    189 km
  • Durata
    13:26 h
  • Dislivello
    4.290 m

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