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Percorsi per bici da corsa

London to Brussels – through Flanders Fields

Percorsi per bici da corsa

London to Brussels – through Flanders Fields


London to Brussels – through Flanders Fields

Ciclismo su strada – Raccolta by David Bavin-Hobbs



5-5 h

/ giorno

385 km

2.340 m

2.320 m

Cycling between different countries is a very special adventure for road cyclists. I’m a firm believer that there’s no better way to experience the changing terrain, culture and languages than by bike. Crossing three countries – the UK, France and Belgium – in three days, with a channel crossing, is a bucket list ride.

Planning a European cycling trip may seem daunting, but in reality, it's surprisingly simple. Once you’ve booked your tickets in advance - in this case, the ferry for the way out, and the Eurostar for your return home - you’re all set. You just have to focus on peddling the distance each day and where you’re going to stop for lunch.

Arguably the cycling capital of the world, Belgium is the ideal destination for an adventure by bike. Not only are the Belgians mad about cycling, but the landscape and terrain is varied and interesting, without being overly difficult. Despite taking in two 60-plus-mile (100 km) days, this Tour is suitable for all levels of experience.

Highlights of the route include the beautiful Kent Downs, and the flat farmlands and market town squares of northern France. As you cross into Belgium, you’ll experience the harrowing but iconic World War One battlefields and cemeteries around Ypres, and the ‘Tour of Flanders’ hills and cobbles.

Departing from Greenwich, Stage 1 takes you on a tour of Kent lanes to Dover, where a short ferry ride takes you across the English Channel. From Calais, you’ll experience excellent cycling infrastructure as you traverse farmland, punctuated with small town squares. Arriving in Brussels at the Grand Place, the most famous town square in the country, you’ll have crossed three countries and many landscapes. You’ll certainly deserve some frites and an oh-so-strong Belgian beer.

I first undertook this route in 2018, cycling to Belgium to ride the Tour of Flanders cyclo-sportive. I was struck by the variety of the landscape, and just how much history has occurred in the region. I repeated and perfected the journey a few more times, until the pandemic caused Eurostar to stop allowing bikes on its trains, thereby making such a ride much harder to achieve.

As of the end of 2023, Eurostar has begun allowing bikes back on its trains, albeit with a little more admin needed. This Collection celebrates the fact that a ride such as London to Brussels is possible again.

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London to Brussels – through Flanders Fields full Tour

384 km

2.330 m

2.320 m

Ultimo aggiornamento: ‪3 maggio 2024

Utilizza il Multi-Day Planner e pianifica questa avventura utilizzando le tappe suggerite in questa Raccolta.

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  1. Map data © Mappa Open Street contributors

    Stage 1: Greenwich to Dover – through Flanders Fields

    125 km
    21,1 km/h
    1.360 m
    1.350 m
    Giro in bici da corsa per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Superfici per lo più asfaltate e facili da percorrere in bici.

    Partendo dal Royal Borough di Greenwich, la Fase 1 ti porta da Londra a sud-est, passando per Blackheath e sobborghi verdeggianti come Chislehurst. In poco tempo, percorrerai Pilgrims Way, completamente immerso nei Kent Downs. Con 77 miglia (125 km) e con oltre 3.000 piedi (1.000 m) di dislivello, questa

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. 05:03
    129 km
    25,6 km/h
    220 m
    220 m
    Giro in bici da corsa per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Superfici per lo più asfaltate e facili da percorrere in bici. Il Tour richiede un attraversamento in traghetto

    Prendere il traghetto da Dover a Calais con la bicicletta non potrebbe essere più semplice ed è un must per ogni ciclista su strada. Al costo di soli £ 25 (€ 30) come passeggero a piedi con bicicletta, puoi prenotare tramite il sito web DFDS. Se rimani bloccato o decidi di fare una traversata prima o

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 05:52
    130 km
    22,2 km/h
    760 m
    750 m
    Giro in bici da corsa per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Alcune parti del percorso potrebbero essere non asfaltate o difficili da percorrere in bici.

    La tappa 3 ti porta da Ypres sotto la Menin Gate a Tyne Cot, il più grande di tutti i cimiteri di guerra britannici della zona. Nessun altro luogo riesce a trasmettere l'enorme numero di soldati caduti, quindi vale la pena dedicare un po' di tempo a vagare tra le tombe ben conservate. Dopo Tyne Cot

    Tradotto daVedi originale



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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    385 km
  • Durata
    16:51 h
  • Dislivello
    2.340 m2.320 m

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