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Sentieri e itinerari escursionistici

Along a Roman road to Asturias in Spain – Camino Real de la Mesa (GR 101)

Sentieri e itinerari escursionistici

Along a Roman road to Asturias in Spain – Camino Real de la Mesa (GR 101)

Nathalie Baillon

Along a Roman road to Asturias in Spain – Camino Real de la Mesa (GR 101)

Escursionismo – Raccolta by Alvaro Hernandez



3-5 h

/ giorno

62,3 km

1.140 m

2.440 m

The steep Cantabrian mountains have stood between the Castilian plateau and the sea for hundreds of thousands of years. The Romans built two roads through these peaks, following the natural grooves of ancient routes. The Carisa road leads from León above the port of Pajares, while this one runs along the Camino Real de la Mesa, connecting Asturica Augusta with Lucus Asturum.

The road is full of history. It’s believed that, during the Middle Ages, the Berber chief Munuza fled through this pass after losing the battle of Covadonga. In later centuries, it became a pilgrimage route to Santiago, and a commercial and migratory route. Dozens of generations travelled the road in search of spirituality, commercial success, subsistence and the beauty of its untamed landscape.

Following in the footsteps of both ancient and modern humans, the 60-kilometre (30 mi) GR 101 connects the stunning landscapes of the natural parks of Somiedo and Las Ubiñas-La Mesa, the protected landscape of the Valdoveiro peak, and an extensive cultural heritage spanning from the Neolithic era to the present day.

Along the route, you'll come across old brañas, traditional shepherds' huts, as well as small livestock and agricultural villages that have preserved their traditional houses and granaries. The landscape features endless valleys in diverse shades of green. Meadows, oak and chestnut tree forests, and corn and potato fields create a bucolic patchwork. The mountains' gentle slopes are interrupted only by the massive limestone grey boulders, offering numerous photo opportunities.

The trail is challenging and secluded, with limited accommodation options depending on the season. The suggested stage division aligns partially with the official proposal, and I’ve included more details in the individual stage descriptions. I also recommend packing camping gear.

Undoubtedly, the best time to embark on the GR 101 is during the summer when temperatures are mild, it’s drier and clear skies are more likely. Travelling in summer also means you can pack light. However, it's crucial to carry waterproofs and a warm layer, as they are essential in the Cantabrian mountains.

Spring and autumn also have their charm as the vegetation comes alive. You might encounter mud during these seasons, especially after rain, so check the weather forecast and pack accordingly. Winter, with its significant snowfall, is not a good choice, unless you’re an experienced winter mountaineer.

The hike poses minimal technical or physical challenges and doesn’t require special mountaineering equipment. However, sturdy, grippy footwear, breathable and waterproof technical clothing, and a rucksack are essential. The route rarely passes through towns with resupply options until the end of the second stage.

Your journey begins in Torrestío, a town in León with bus connections to Pola de Lena. The final destination is Grado, a council capital with regular bus stops in various directions and a Feve train station.

Are you ready to be captivated by the endless rows of mountain ridges in the Cantabrian mountain range? Embark on the adventure of the Camino Real de la Mesa and savour the experience.

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Camino Real de la Mesa (GR 101 completo)

62,2 km

1.150 m

2.440 m

Ultimo aggiornamento: ‪3 maggio 2024

Utilizza il Multi-Day Planner e pianifica questa avventura utilizzando le tappe suggerite in questa Raccolta.

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  1. Map data © Mappa Open Street contributors

    Etapa 1: De Torrestío a Braña la Corra — Camino Real de la Mesa (GR 101)

    16,0 km
    4,2 km/h
    600 m
    400 m
    Percorso escursionistico intermedio. Buon allenamento richiesto. Sentieri facilmente percorribili. Adatto a ogni livello di abilità.

    Questa tappa ti immerge nei limiti delle montagne leonesi e asturiane. È importante portare acqua e cibo per due giorni, poiché fino alla fine della seconda tappa non si attraversa nessun paese con possibilità di rifornimento.


    La scarsità di centri abitati ha i suoi vantaggi se ti piace addentrarti in

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. 05:57
    23,4 km
    3,9 km/h
    360 m
    1.110 m
    Percorso escursionistico per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Sentieri prevalentemente accessibili. Richiesto passo sicuro.

    Questa è la fase più lunga della Collezione. Vi aspettano circa 23 chilometri tra montagne meravigliose. La maggior parte del percorso è in discesa, con circa 1100 metri di discesa che superano di gran lunga i circa 300 metri di salita.


    Si attraversa la strada attraversando il porto di San Lorenzo e si

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 05:07
    22,8 km
    4,5 km/h
    190 m
    930 m
    Percorso escursionistico per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Sentieri prevalentemente accessibili. Richiesto passo sicuro.

    Quasi 23 chilometri, praticamente in discesa, tra valli dai panorami indimenticabili, piccoli boschi e paesaggi rurali che sono l'epitome della parola bucolico, vi aspettano nell'ultima tappa. Il primo tratto corre lungo un crinale che gode di panorami verso entrambi i versanti con vallate che non hanno

    Tradotto daVedi originale



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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    62,3 km
  • Durata
    14:55 h
  • Dislivello
    1.140 m2.440 m

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