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Flusstouren Süddeutschland


Flusstouren Süddeutschland

Jürgen Hild

Flusstouren Süddeutschland

Raccolta by Jürgen Hild

10 Tour

74:19 h

1.698 km

13.280 m

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. Entlang der Fils - von der Mündung bis zum Ursprung

    122 km
    23,3 km/h
    940 m
    940 m

    Ho guidato lungo il Fils mille volte, ma l'ho completamente soffiato, dalla bocca alla fonte, non l'ho ancora fatto.

    Quindi era giunto il momento di affrontare l'azienda. Oggi sono stato libero, cioè ho fatto gli straordinari perché avevo la visita dal medico poco dopo le 7 del mattino. Il "Checkup 35

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  2. Today I packed the bike in the car and drove to Königsbronn.

    From here it was always nice to walk along the Brenz, from the source to the mouth of the Danube. Since the tour is relatively flat, I built a few hills on the way back😉

    I had a nice company through the Eselsburger Tal: Komootler Jeanette drove

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. The woman had to work, the children had school and only I had free - finally enough time for a longer tour, which led me a little way along the Murr along.

    While Komoot calculates too much difference in altitude for many users, it's rather too little for me (since I got my new mobile phone). Both my bike

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  5. 10:23
    236 km
    22,7 km/h
    860 m
    1.120 m

    I didn't think I'd do another 200 tour this year. But since I got free relatively spontaneously and the weather was nice (but a bit fresh), I used the day for an extensive Neckar tour.

    I had planned the tour for a long time. I would like to ski the entire Neckar in two stages. The first took me yesterday

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  6. Le foto del tour saranno disponibili domani. Oggi non riesco ad arrivarci 😉

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  7. The beautiful weather literally screamed after a long bike ride - again to the Alb before it gets foggy and cold up there!

    I was not only impressed by the scenic impressions, but also by the former military camp near Münsingen. In the old "Truppentonfilmtheater", old films that are at least 50 years old

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  8. So, my first 200 is done. Before the tour I thought, maybe my only 200 and then never again. But it went better than expected, so there will definitely be similar tours to follow.

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  9. Inizialmente volevo fare i miei primi 200 nel 2023 oggi. Ma poi è successo qualcosa. Il tempo (e il vento) erano comunque piuttosto modesti all'inizio. Tante nuvole, tanto vento, ma almeno ben distribuito. A volte vento contrario, a volte vento in poppa.

    Il paesaggio lungo il Blau e nella Schmiechtal

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  10. 12:59
    310 km
    23,9 km/h
    1.790 m
    1.790 m

    Avevo già programmato il mio primo tour 300 per l'autunno dell'anno scorso. In realtà volevo lasciarli durante le vacanze di Pentecoste. Ma non stavo andando molto bene e le mie condizioni fisiche avrebbero permesso al massimo un 200.

    Le giornate si stanno accorciando di nuovo, quindi non ho avuto molto

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  11. The refreshment at Brenztopf stayed away. I was in a hurry, because I wanted to make a stopover with my mother in Eybach and did not want to be there too late.

    That's why I omitted one or the other highlight.

    But I was definitely not in the area for the last time. Above all, the connection from Essingen

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    1.698 km
  • Durata
    74:19 h
  • Dislivello
    13.280 m

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