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La Gomera


La Gomera


La Gomera

Raccolta by Uli

8 Tour

20:49 h

75,7 km

3.260 m

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  1. La Gomera: Rundweg von Imada über Pajarito und Ermita de Buen Paso

    12,9 km
    3,8 km/h
    560 m
    570 m

    We started our hike in Imada, a pretty little place deep in the Barranco de Guarimar. From there it was only a steep 1.5 km, sometimes with a quasi-alpine character. It goes through many rocky passages with agaves, cacti and the typical Canary Island palm. We were rewarded for our efforts with fantastic

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  2. A real hike of opposites: From El Contadero we first descended through the Laurisilva forest Bosque del Cedro down to the Ermita Nuestra Senora de Lourdes. A very shady route, which was good for us considering the high temperature. Little prospects, however. From the Ermita it went first over a busy

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. A short hike on New Year's Eve, also due to the currently very high temperatures caused by the Calima. The path up from Alajero is good and the descent from the Drago's hiking car park is also excellent. For the way back we built on the info of an unofficial path below the Drago. This was then sweaty

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  5. Today we had a tour of contrasts: from Las Hayas via Arure we first went through a (sometimes very dry) cultural landscape, then above Arcadece we went into the beautiful Laurisilva forest of the Garajonay National Park - UNESCO World Heritage. A moment ago it was boiling heat (we hadn't imagined the

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  6. We initially had great weather today. The starting point of the hike was a parking lot next to the bus stop above Igualero. From there we hiked to the highest point on the island, the Alto de Garajonay (1484m). On the way there were great views of the east side of La Palma, the Teide on Tenerife and

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  7. 00:42
    3,01 km
    4,3 km/h
    110 m
    90 m

    Today not by car to the beach, but hiked to it. However, it was very hot. There are two ridges to overcome from Playa Santiago. You pass the supposedly best hotel in Gomera - Jardin Tecina, owned by the famous Olsen family - and the very famous golf course. Then first Playa Tapahuga and after the next

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  8. A great circular hike that was tough. Contrary to the advice of friends, we went counter-clockwise, i.e. from Degollada de Peraza down steeply to La Laja. The Camino, well paved and sometimes extremely steep, was still very damp and slippery after the rain, so the descent cost us a lot of time and energy

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  9. No Sunday stroll on Sunday!

    But we hadn't imagined the tour, which is actually very short, to be that difficult. Perhaps it was because it had rained very heavily on Saturday in the Valle Gran Rey and the stream in the Barranco de Arure carried a relatively large amount of water. In any case, it did not

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    75,7 km
  • Durata
    20:49 h
  • Dislivello
    3.260 m

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