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Baltrum Oktober 2021


Baltrum Oktober 2021


Baltrum Oktober 2021

Raccolta by Andibonn

7 Tour

21:59 h

260 km

1.290 m

Wattwanderung nach Baltrum, Naturstrand bei Hilgenriedersiel und mit dem Fahrrad durch das Mesopotamien von Ostfriesland.

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. Baltrum

    9,22 km
    3,3 km/h
    90 m
    70 m

    The smallest of the inhabited East Frisian islands is also considered to be one of the quietest among them, which is partly due to the fact that there are no motor vehicles on the way. Only horse-drawn vehicles and cargo bikes can be seen.

    Those looking for peace and quiet are in good hands on Baltrum

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. 05:21
    108 km
    20,2 km/h
    190 m
    190 m

    It was on my twisted Oldenburg tour when I got the message from Andi from Bonn. A year ago, the good guy started a tour together. And now I heard from him again in preparation for a short vacation on the coast, where he would celebrate a birthday like a real north man, namely with rum. To be more precise

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 01:10
    20,9 km
    17,9 km/h
    50 m
    50 m
  5. 03:13
    42,0 km
    13,1 km/h
    310 m
    300 m
  6. 02:52
    7,06 km
    2,5 km/h
    60 m
    50 m

    Thank you Dirk, it was a great experience to walk across the ocean floor to an island. Fortunately, yesterday it stayed free of rain, so only our feet and legs got wet

    As always on the coast, it was also very windy

    Tradotto daVedi originale


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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    260 km
  • Durata
    21:59 h
  • Dislivello
    1.290 m

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