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Cycling the black route loop – Tour du Sancy

Percorsi per bici da corsa

Cycling the black route loop – Tour du Sancy

pom'. (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Cycling the black route loop – Tour du Sancy

Ciclismo su strada – Raccolta by Fred Urrutia



3-4 h

/ giorno

152 km

2.970 m

2.970 m

Departing from the Mont-Dore commune, the Tour du Sancy black route loop is an emblematic adventure of the Sancy massif, home to the highest mountain in France’s Massif Central. Covering 151 kilometres (93 mi), with a vertical drop of almost 3,000 metres (10,000 ft), it's a real test even for cycling experts.

From the moment you set off, you'll be enchanted by the diversity of the Sancy landscape. This Collection reveals the many characters of this region, from the high plateaux to the glacial valleys of Chaudefour and the mountain lakes. On average, you'll pedal at an altitude of over 1,000 metres (3,200 ft). Every kilometre of this route offers panoramic views that’ll leave you awestruck.

For those who prefer to split the effort into two stages, I recommend an overnight stay at La Godivelle. This charming village has a few gîtes where you can book a bed, as well as a wild camping area for the more adventurous. It's the ideal place to recharge your batteries before completing this unforgettable Tour.

A road bike is the ideal choice for this ride. Wear comfortable clothing and pack a windproof jacket to cope with the changing weather and sunglasses to protect your eyes from the bright Sancy sun. Bring your camping gear if you plan to overnight in a tent.

This Tour is also an excellent choice for cyclists looking for their first weekend adventure. It's a chance to get away from it all in the great outdoors and to experience moments of wonder at every turn.

The best times to embark on this journey are from late spring to autumn. In summer, it's best to leave early to avoid the heat. Once you've arrived at La Godivelle, you can continue the adventure with a hike around the lakes.

To get to the start point, you can take a train from Clermont-Ferrand to La Bourboule. From there, catch the P45 bus. For the return journey, do the same in the opposite direction.

Timetables (in French):

Winter: sancy.com/fr/fiche/commerce-et-service/ligne-p45-la-bourboule-le-mont-dore-le-sancy-periode-hiver-la-bourboule_TFO4675557.
Summer: sancy.com/fr/fiche/commerce-et-service/ligne-p45-la-bourboule-murat-le-quaire-le-mont-dore-le-sancy-periode-ete-mont-dore_TFO4675567.

Prepare to be amazed and push your limits on this exceptional route!

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Circuit noir du tour du Sancy — Itinéraire complet

152 km

2.970 m

2.970 m

Ultimo aggiornamento: ‪3 maggio 2024

Utilizza il Multi-Day Planner e pianifica questa avventura utilizzando le tappe suggerite in questa Raccolta.

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  1. Map data © Mappa Open Street contributors

    Étape 1 : De Mont-Dore à La Godivelle — Circuit noir du tour du Sancy

    72,3 km
    19,2 km/h
    1.300 m
    1.150 m
    Giro in bici da corsa per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Superfici per lo più asfaltate e facili da percorrere in bici.

    Partendo da Mont-Dore, si lascia questo incantevole villaggio prendendo le sue strade pittoresche. Non preoccuparti, al tuo ritorno potrai goderti le acque termali per ricaricare le batterie e rilassarti.


    Fin dall'inizio si attaccano pendii che mettono a dura prova i polpacci. Si attraversa l'altopiano

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. 04:20
    79,4 km
    18,3 km/h
    1.670 m
    1.820 m
    Giro in bici da corsa per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Superfici per lo più asfaltate e facili da percorrere in bici.

    L'inizio di questa tappa inizia con un falso bemolle, ideale per riscaldarsi dolcemente. Dopo aver attraversato la Motte de Brion, un poggio artificiale che ospita le rovine di un castello, una bella discesa ci porta in un vallone.


    Si inizia quindi la salita di Vauzelles, una salita con una pendenza massima

    Tradotto daVedi originale



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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    152 km
  • Durata
    08:06 h
  • Dislivello
    2.970 m2.970 m

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