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Voies Vertes - Véloroutes - Pistes Cyclables


Voies Vertes - Véloroutes - Pistes Cyclables

Flo Flo

Voies Vertes - Véloroutes - Pistes Cyclables

Raccolta by Flo Flo

9 Tour

61:11 h

684 km

4.650 m

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. Voie Verte PassaPaïs (Jour 2)

    102 km
    9,5 km/h
    720 m
    710 m
  2. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  3. 02:36
    35,2 km
    13,6 km/h
    390 m
    410 m

    Departure from Lamalou les Bains towards the greenway where the path is chalked, flat and in perfect condition.

    Then magnificent climb to the ruins of the ancient village of Héric (518m) with a tarred path through the gorges.

    Possibility of a drink at the top thanks to the small bar.

    A must see.

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  4. 07:09
    77,8 km
    10,9 km/h
    370 m
    370 m

    3a gita in bicicletta della nostra vacanza nel Golfo del Morbihan con Laetitia


    Questa volta, scoperta della parte meridionale del Golfo del Morbihan da Vannes a Port Navalo, il tutto sotto un sole radioso e leggermente ventoso.


    Abbiamo apprezzato l'atmosfera marittima del Golfo del Morbihan in bicicletta

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  5. 11:36
    118 km
    10,2 km/h
    940 m
    940 m

    This Voie Verte was created on an old railway line which linked Morlaix and Carhaix.

    It has a correct coating for VTC but which can be unpleasant, especially after a rainy episode. But beware, the many road crossings are not yet all secure!

    It offers high quality in terms of landscapes: the course, permanently

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  6. 10:22
    95,1 km
    9,2 km/h
    800 m
    810 m
  7. 06:27
    61,7 km
    9,6 km/h
    250 m
    250 m

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    684 km
  • Durata
    61:11 h
  • Dislivello
    4.650 m

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