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Mülheim-Kärlicher Rundwege


Mülheim-Kärlicher Rundwege


Mülheim-Kärlicher Rundwege

Raccolta by AlexaE

7 Tour

10:46 h

46,1 km

830 m

Rundwege der VG Mülheim-Kärlich

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. MK3 - Kirschblüten-Panoramaweg ab Parkplatz Lukasmühle

    5,13 km
    4,4 km/h
    110 m
    110 m

    dopo la pioggia - niente sole, ma tanti fiori🌸🌼🪻🌸

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. 01:14
    5,39 km
    4,4 km/h
    40 m
    40 m

    Bella passeggiata. Conosci sempre cose nuove dove di solito guidi o oltrepassi. In alcuni casi anche sopra di esso - vale davvero la pena vedere il sottopassaggio pedonale!

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 01:28
    7,11 km
    4,8 km/h
    170 m
    170 m

    Again, after work, a quick little round nearby. Why is it called "on the red cross"? I have no idea, and none of the walkers I met could explain it to me.

    The tour is mixed, i.e. a lot of nature, but then off to the industrial area, because that's where the Roman villa was excavated. When the cherry trees

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  5. 01:13
    4,59 km
    3,8 km/h
    70 m
    80 m

    Today we just took a little walk. The path is completely paved so that everyone can walk along it.

    At the Lukasmühle the THW and a few helpers were busy preparing everything for a short film of the Koblenz theater. The shooting didn't take place until hours later, otherwise we would have watched something.

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  6. 01:39
    8,10 km
    4,9 km/h
    130 m
    140 m

    Actually, I wanted to take my usual after / before night shift for a walk, but then I came up with the idea of following the MK6 signs on the way. The circular route is a bit modified, but by no means shorter and you don't miss any highlight.

    For those who are interested: according to my Fitbit tracker

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  7. 02:22
    9,17 km
    3,9 km/h
    180 m
    170 m

    Bel tour consigliato.

    A causa delle forti piogge degli ultimi 2 giorni, molti sentieri erano piuttosto slavati e presentavano solchi profondi, quindi le scarpe giuste erano importanti, altrimenti l'intera cosa ha un potenziale sandalo.

    Tradotto daVedi originale


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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    46,1 km
  • Durata
    10:46 h
  • Dislivello
    830 m

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