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Oberlausitz und Zittauer Gebirge


Oberlausitz und Zittauer Gebirge

Olaf 1/Ω

Oberlausitz und Zittauer Gebirge

Raccolta by Olaf 1/Ω

9 Tour

40:50 h

141 km

3.630 m

Das Zittauer Gebirge (tschech. Žitavské hory), früher auch Lausitzer Kamm genannt, ist der deutsche Teil des sich an der sächsisch-böhmischen Grenze erstreckenden Lausitzer Gebirges im äußersten Südosten Sachsens.

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  1. Oberlausitz: Kloster St. Marienthal - Neißetal

    10,8 km
    3,7 km/h
    210 m
    150 m

    The St. Marienthal Abbey near Ostritz is a monastery that has existed since 1234 and is the oldest women's monastery of the Cistercian order in Germany. It has been destroyed several times over the years. Today's overall impression is determined by the new building from the 18th century in the Bohemian

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  2. The second of today's hikes in the Zittau Mountains was the round from the health resort Oybin to the pottery hut with the great views towards Poland.


    The bizarre rocks in the Zittau Mountains are something special.

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 03:10
    4,62 km
    1,5 km/h
    30 m
    20 m

    A city tour and then a stroll on your own through the old town of Görlitz, which is extremely popular as a film set and was already seen in other films (including: Grand Budapest Hotel, The Reader). The long road to Germany's easternmost city was worth it.

    We had to save the many parts of the city outside

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  5. @Heidrun @Bernd & Bärbel @Erzgebirger Thank you! I now get to know Germany through hiking and am happy about such “discoveries”. To be honest, I didn't know recently that there is a Zittau Mountains.

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  6. Since my first tour in the little-known but picturesque Zittau Mountains (see komoot.de/tour/175137760) I had made up my mind to definitely return for further tours.


    On a day trip I have now done two medium-length tours. This first led me from the Lückendorf forester's lodge to the Fuchskanzel and then

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  7. 02:56
    7,87 km
    2,7 km/h
    240 m
    240 m

    We wanted to combine the trip to Görlitz with a short hike. The Rother hiking guide had a nice tour suggestion here.

    The tour through the Königshain mountains passed some previous granite quarries, which today form an impressive backdrop and are used by climbers and bathers.

    On the Hochstein we were able

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    141 km
  • Durata
    40:50 h
  • Dislivello
    3.630 m

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