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Oslo to Berlin - Shimano #WinterWarrior


Oslo to Berlin - Shimano #WinterWarrior

Mark Beaumont

Oslo to Berlin - Shimano #WinterWarrior

Raccolta by Mark Beaumont

8 Tour

87:01 h

1.605 km

8.670 m

A winter road cycling adventure to end the year. Supporting Markus Stitz in his 5th ride home for Christmas. Oslo to Berlin was planned as a 1000km route over 3 and a half days, which is the routes in this Collections named Day 1 to Day 4. What we ended up riding are first 4 activities in this Collection.Conditions were not quite the crisp, clear, winter wonderland that we hoped for, so we progress was much slower than planned. Give up and go home or improvise and embrace the adventure? We rerouted from Gothenburg, so missing Denmark to arrive in Berlin for the markets and in time to be home for Christmas. A properly gritty ride which tested my Dura Ace Di2 group set in conditions that they probably weren’t designed for. Riding 34mm tires was the best grip I could get on my Argon18 road frame. Thanks also to Schwalbe, Komoot and Endura for support on this Shimano #WinterWarriors ride. Incredibly challenging riding, but great fun with a pal who has a similar sense of good humour and mischief when the going gets tough! This would be a stunning route to try in the summer, if you dance a warmer and drier ride!

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. Snowy start then into the ice rink!

    130 km
    14,6 km/h
    1.270 m
    1.190 m

    Lunga distanza in questo freddo gelido, rispetto. 👍

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  3. 07:08
    150 km
    21,0 km/h
    1.250 m
    1.250 m
    Giro in bici da corsa per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. In alcune parti del Tour potresti dover spingere la bici.
  4. 13:46
    325 km
    23,6 km/h
    1.830 m
    1.830 m
    Giro in bici da corsa per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Superfici per lo più asfaltate e facili da percorrere in bici.
  5. 12:10
    291 km
    23,9 km/h
    1.230 m
    1.240 m
    Giro in bici da corsa per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Alcune parti del percorso potrebbero essere non asfaltate o difficili da percorrere in bici. Il Tour richiede un attraversamento in traghetto
  6. 14:57
    242 km
    16,2 km/h
    1.000 m
    970 m
    Giro gravel per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Superfici perlopiù asfaltate. Adatto a ogni livello di abilità. Il Tour richiede un attraversamento in traghetto

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    1.605 km
  • Durata
    87:01 h
  • Dislivello
    8.670 m

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