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Rund um Berlin- Der Radring durch Brandenburg


Rund um Berlin- Der Radring durch Brandenburg

Manfred B.

Rund um Berlin- Der Radring durch Brandenburg

Raccolta by Manfred B.

6 Tour

21:19 h

357 km

870 m

Routenwahl gemäß Imageflyer LAG Barnim, Havelland, Fläming-Havel.
Die Route führt weit außerhalb von Berlin durch geschichtsträchtige Orte mit vielen interesannten Industrie- u.a. Denkmälern. Diese zu erkunden sollte man sich auf jeden Fall Zeit nehmen.
Die Richtungen der Route der einzelnen Etappen habe ich oft nach optimaler Zugan- und Abreise für mich gewählt.

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  1. Rund um Berlin - Etappe1: 52 km-von Oranienburg über Wandlitz, Bogensee nach Bernau-29.05.2021

    52,1 km
    15,7 km/h
    180 m
    150 m

    Start and finish were the train stations.

    A not too difficult tour with a varied route. Very beautiful beech forest after Wandlitz towards Bogensee. Impressive buildings there, where after 1990 the "ravages of time" have gnawed at them. The Villa Bogensee from 1936 is still relatively well preserved!


    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. A nice tour with mostly good, sometimes even very good bike paths that make you forget the relatively few paved sections.

    In Altlandsberg a lot is being reconstructed around the former castle. The opening times of the restaurant are limited - see photo.

    For everyone who is interested in industrial history

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. An easy tour overall, with plenty of places to stop for a break. Highlights were the Paul Gerhardt monument in Mittenwalde, the castle in Königswusterhausen, the Schwartzkopffsiedlung in Wildau and finally a visit to Holly's Cafe. To reach the last destination, we drove a long section along the Oder

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  5. An easy tour. In Dietersdorf, the manor with its large event areas outside and inside is impressive.

    Otherwise, the bike paths are almost always good to very good to ride. You will drive through many street villages where, apart from the churches, there is not too much worth seeing along the route.


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  6. Venendo dalla stazione centrale di Potsdam puoi davvero festeggiare il sabato al mercato settimanale di Nauener Tor con un'ottima cheese cake e il caffè è disponibile ad ogni angolo. Quindi l'inizio del tour abbastanza facile in direzione dell'Havel "attraverso il campo" attraverso il King's Park Sanssouci

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  7. An easy tour with good bike paths. The sections on the country roads were also passable.

    As with the other tours, unfortunately, partially dilapidated and unused goods and castles in the country make you dream of better "old times before the war". A worth seeing example can be found in Wansdorf. For this

    Tradotto daVedi originale


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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    357 km
  • Durata
    21:19 h
  • Dislivello
    870 m

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