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An adventure through the Catalan Pyrenees – Pedals de Foc


An adventure through the Catalan Pyrenees – Pedals de Foc


An adventure through the Catalan Pyrenees – Pedals de Foc

Mountain bike – Raccolta by Ana- Remoteana

6 Tour

22:04 h

222 km

6.560 m

Pedals de Foc is one of the classic mountain bike routes in Europe. It is also one of the most beautiful thanks to the landscapes of the Lleida Pyrenees. This route crosses the perimeter of the only national park in Catalonia, Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, as well as the Alt Pirineu Natural Park. You can take advantage of the rural tourism infrastructure in the area and the tracks and paths that connect them, crossing four Pyrenean counties: Val d'Aran, Alta Ribagorça, Pallars Jussà and Pallars Sobirà.

Along this well-known route, you pass through magical places: such as the Gerdar Forest, the largest fir forest in Spain; abandoned villages that were once the driving force behind the valley's economy; and mountain passes such as l'Oli and the mythical Triador, at an altitude of over 2,100 metres (6,890 ft) above sea level. Over six days, you ride along mountain paths, forest tracks and trails through the aforementioned Catalan counties. Each route finishes near some kind of accommodation, either a hostel or a guest house, where you can also have dinner and breakfast. Likewise, during some of the stages, you have the option of accessing restaurants, bars and shops in the different towns along the route.

In total, you will cover 228 kilometres (142 mi) and almost 6,700 metres (21,982) of elevation gain through breathtaking landscapes where the difficulty can only be matched by the beauty of the place. You start from Vielha, which is also the finishing point of this circular route. Getting there can be a little complicated if you don't have a vehicle. There is a cyclist-friendly bus from Barcelona, Zaragoza and Madrid. However, it is not direct and you will have to make at least two stops. This is why I recommend that you travel by car. In Vielha, there are at least two large parking areas where you can comfortably leave your car free of charge.

The complete Pedals de Foc is a unique experience and a sporting challenge that allows you to discover another side of the Pyrenees. It’s a loop that reveals nature in its purest state and the stunning silence of one of the least famous mountain ranges in Europe. This route takes advantage of the forest tracks, old roads and paths that used to link Pyrenean villages and valleys, as well as the paths created by shepherds to access the high pastures.

The best time of year for this adventure is between May and November. Bear in mind that you are in the mountains, so remember to check the weather forecast daily and don't forget to pack a good windbreaker and warm clothing, even in summer. Here, the three layers of protection are essential as it’s a mountain environment with very exposed high-altitude sections. Likewise, don't forget your sunglasses, sun cream and lipstick. It is also advisable to bring a basic tool kit, as you are in wild surroundings where there’s no mechanical assistance, except in Vielha, at the start of the route.

The overall route can be adapted to your physical level but is designed for between three and six days preferably. It can be further adapted, though you’ll need to be in good physical shape and have previous mountain biking experience. Due to the landscapes and environment, I have decided to divide Pedals de Foc into six stages, each one of them with a gradient that is relatively easy to manage, so that you can enjoy everything this circular route has to offer in a relaxed way.

Pedals de Foc has been conceived for a mountain bike. However, nowadays you often see people on gravel bikes. If you are one of the latter, bear in mind that, in some parts of the route, you will have to push and be careful in some sections where there are a lot of loose stones. This is a self-guided route on which I recommend you carry water and snacks to replenish your strength during the day.

It is a route designed to discover the culture, gastronomy, landscapes and friendly people of the region. Cycling through these valleys is also a way to contribute and help to maintain the fragile economy of the mountain villages. Furthermore, it also helps to prevent depopulation and migration from destroying the rural world.

What more could you ask for a holiday than six stages of excellent mountain biking with spectacular scenery, tranquillity and good company when you fancy it? If you want to sample gastronomy, this Collection would make an ideal week's holiday.

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Pedals de Foc — BTT por el Pirineo catalán

222 km

6.410 m

6.410 m

Ultimo aggiornamento: ‪3 maggio 2024


  1. Map data © Mappa Open Street contributors

    Etapa 1: De Vielha a Llesp — Pedals de Foc

    39,9 km
    10,3 km/h
    1.170 m
    1.180 m
    Giro in MTB per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Adatto a ogni livello.

    Il chilometro zero di Pedals de Foc inizia nella nota località di Vielha, una bellissima enclave attraversata dal fiume Nere, affluente della Garonna. La prima prova da superare è il tunnel che porta lo stesso nome del paese. Ci sono diverse opzioni per evitare di attraversarlo in bicicletta. Tra questi

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. 04:17
    40,8 km
    9,5 km/h
    1.480 m
    1.410 m
    Giro in MTB per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Richieste abilità di guida avanzate.

    Questa seconda giornata presenta quasi 41 chilometri e 1500 metri di dislivello attraverso alcuni tratti che vi lasceranno senza fiato. Poco dopo essere usciti si trova il paese di Barruera, capoluogo del comune della Valle del Bohí. Ha un'area forestale come uno stretto sentiero tra gli alberi che ti

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 02:15
    20,4 km
    9,1 km/h
    830 m
    610 m
    Giro in MTB intermedio. Buon allenamento richiesto. Adatto a ogni livello.

    Il chilometro zero della terza tappa parte da Les Esglésies, luogo da cui sicuramente saluterete con nostalgia. Tuttavia, la tappa di oggi è un'altra che ricorderete con un sorriso.


    I primi cinque chilometri attraversano una dura salita con pendenze fino al 20%. I panorami ti daranno una pausa sulle rampe

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  5. 04:43
    41,5 km
    8,8 km/h
    1.370 m
    1.290 m
    Giro in MTB per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Richieste abilità di guida avanzate.

    Dopo aver completato le prime tre tappe di Pedals de Foc e aver avuto una giornata più leggera ieri, questo quarto percorso ti porta quasi 1.400 metri di dislivello in 42 chilometri. Una prima salita che dà il benvenuto al passo del Triador, uno dei punti salienti dell'intero percorso circolare. È una

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  6. 03:20
    38,0 km
    11,4 km/h
    970 m
    910 m
    Giro in MTB per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Sono richieste abilità di guida avanzate. In alcune parti del Tour potresti dover spingere la bici.

    Il quinto giorno inizia con una bella discesa su strada asfaltata. Una piacevole discesa che ci riporterà su una sterrata in salita con tratti fino al 15%. A Pedals de Foc, la magia si trova con un colpo di pedale. La ricompensa è data dai paesaggi che ti circondano in ogni momento. In questa particolare

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  7. 03:35
    41,4 km
    11,5 km/h
    740 m
    1.140 m
    Giro in MTB intermedio. Buon allenamento richiesto. Adatto a ogni livello.

    La sesta e ultima tappa è molto particolare. Questo percorso rimarrà segnato nella tua mente per sempre perché i panorami verso il parco naturale degli Alti Pirenei una volta attraversato il fiume La Noguera ti prometto che non lo dimenticherai così facilmente.


    Si tratta di un viaggio di quasi 42 chilometri

    Tradotto daVedi originale



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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    222 km
  • Durata
    22:04 h
  • Dislivello
    6.560 m

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