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08/2021 Bikepacking Rheinradweg: Ab Sinsheim über Speyer bis Hoek van Holland 🇳🇱 (Teil 1)


08/2021 Bikepacking Rheinradweg: Ab Sinsheim über Speyer bis Hoek van Holland 🇳🇱 (Teil 1)


08/2021 Bikepacking Rheinradweg: Ab Sinsheim über Speyer bis Hoek van Holland 🇳🇱 (Teil 1)

Raccolta by Immerdieradfahrer

9 Tour

41:17 h

798 km

1.950 m

Fortsetzung meiner Rhein-Radtour 🚴 aus 2020.
Da bin ich von Bregenz den Alpenrhein zurück über Chur, dann den Hinterrhein über Viamala zum ersten Mal in den Alpen geradelt.
San Bernhardino, Lago Maggiore, Airolo, Gotthardpass, Andermatt, Oberalppass waren die nächsten Stationen, dort oben entspringt der Vorderrhein, der zusammen mit dem Hinterrhein ab Reichenau 🇨🇭 den Rhein bildet...

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. 1. Tag Rheinradweg 🚴 🚲 Sinsheim Speyer Mannheim Worms

    114 km
    19,3 km/h
    310 m
    390 m

    The tour along the Rhine in Mannheim is a bit complicated ...

    Again and again you are in the port area ⚓ and then the ferry ⛴ is closed on Mondays and you have to turn around ...


    Pleasing, despite the probability of rain ☔ of 70% in the forecast, I arrived at my destination dry.

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  2. Started at a cool temperature in Bonn-Bad Godesberg and had to wear rainwear ☔ for the first time.

    I drove the first 20 km in continuous rain.

    At the cathedral I was able to change my wet jersey ...

    For the last two hours there were uninterrupted showers 🌧 and I had to go to my planned destination: swap

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. Abbastanza insolito, a tratti sembrava di scendere sulla pista ciclabile...

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  5. To Hoek van Holland, the place where the Rhine flows into the North Sea (near Rotterdam)

    Tradotto daVedi originale


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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    798 km
  • Durata
    41:17 h
  • Dislivello
    1.950 m

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