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Berlin Gipfelstürmertouren


Berlin Gipfelstürmertouren

Frau Kaschperl

Berlin Gipfelstürmertouren

Raccolta by Frau Kaschperl

8 Tour

20:10 h

91,8 km

950 m

Inspiriert durch die wunderbare Netflix-Dokumentation "14 Gipfel Nichts ist unmöglich" über die Besteigung aller 8.000er Gipfel in nur einer Saison haben wir uns vorgenommen, alle mindestens 8.000er Gipfel sowie Nebengipfel geringerer Höhe in Berlin in nur einem Jahr, nämlich in diesem, zu besteigen. Dazu bedarf es akribischer Vorbereitung, spezifischem Training und Ausrüstung sowie viel, viel mentaler Stärke. Die Gipfel sind (von höchstem zu niedrigsten): Arkenberge (12.070), Teufelsberg (12.010), Großer Müggelberg (11.470), Ahrensfelder Berge (11.450), Schäferberg (10.320), Kienberg (10.220), Drachenberg (9.900), Havelberg (9.690), Stolper Berge (9.660), Deponie Wannsee (9.480), Oderbruchkippe (9.090), Hohes Plateau (8.900), Kleiner Müggelberg (8.830), Lübarser Höhe (8.530), Humboldthöhe (8.450), Stener Berg (8.320), Karlsberg (8.250), Biesdorfer Höhe (8.210), Finkenberg (8.100), Mont Klamott (Ost) (7.820).1) alle Höhenangaben in cm

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. B_Gipfelstürmertour 7 (Humboldthöhe)

    9,06 km
    4,8 km/h
    50 m
    60 m

    Ispirati dal meraviglioso documentario Netflix "14 Summits, Nothing is Impossible" sulla scalata di tutti gli 8.000 m in una sola stagione, ci siamo posti l'obiettivo di scalare tutti gli 8.000 m e le vette del secondario inferiore di Berlino in un solo anno, ovvero questo scalare. Ciò richiede una preparazione

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  2. Ispirati dal meraviglioso documentario Netflix "14 Summits Nothing is Impossible" sulla scalata di tutte le vette di 8.000 metri in una sola stagione, ci siamo posti l'obiettivo di scalare tutte le vette di almeno 8.000 metri e le vette secondarie inferiori a Berlino in un solo anno, vale a dire questo

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. Ispirati dal meraviglioso documentario Netflix "14 Summits, Nothing is Impossible" sulla scalata di tutti gli 8.000 m in una sola stagione, ci siamo posti l'obiettivo di scalare tutti gli 8.000 m e le vette del secondario inferiore di Berlino in un solo anno, ovvero questo scalare. Ciò richiede una preparazione

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  5. Inspired by the wonderful Netflix documentary "14 Summits, Nothing is Impossible" about climbing all 8,000m peaks in just one season, we have set ourselves the goal of climbing all 8,000m peaks and lower secondary peaks in Berlin in just one year, namely this to climb. This requires meticulous preparation

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  6. Inspired by the wonderful Netflix documentary "14 Summits, Nothing is Impossible" about climbing all 8,000m peaks in just one season, we have set ourselves the goal of climbing all 8,000m peaks and lower secondary peaks in Berlin in just one year, namely this to climb. This requires meticulous preparation

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  7. Inspired by the wonderful Netflix documentary "14 Summits, Nothing is Impossible" about climbing all 8,000m peaks in just one season, we have set ourselves the goal of climbing all 8,000m peaks and lower secondary peaks in Berlin in just one year, namely this to climb. This requires meticulous preparation

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  8. Inspired by the wonderful Netflix documentary "14 Summits, Nothing is Impossible" about climbing all 8,000m peaks in just one season, we have set ourselves the goal of climbing all 8,000m peaks and lower secondary peaks in Berlin in just one year, namely this to climb. This requires meticulous preparation

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  9. Inspired by the wonderful Netflix documentary "14 Summits Nothing is Impossible" about climbing all 8,000m peaks in just one season, we have set ourselves the goal of climbing all at least 8,000m peaks and lower secondary peaks in Berlin in just one year, namely this to climb. This requires meticulous

    Tradotto daVedi originale


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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    91,8 km
  • Durata
    20:10 h
  • Dislivello
    950 m

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