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Raccolta by Petra

19 Tour

60:50 h

276 km

13.110 m

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  1. Impressionen vom Jägerpfad bei Simonswald

    8,81 km
    3,6 km/h
    560 m
    550 m

    a hunter's path - just beautiful

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  2. 03:48
    12,3 km
    3,2 km/h
    720 m
    720 m

    Today's exploration tour (with Markus every tour becomes an exploration tour 😄) began in Ibendörfle. The first 1.5 km went really steep up to the wonderful narrow path that leads to the Höllkopf. Shortly before the Höllkopf, a path that can still be seen branches off , which brought us to a broad, well

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. Il clou assoluto di questo tour è il bellissimo sentiero, che inizia dopo circa 1,5 km di giro, fino all'Unterer Spitzer Stein.Anche questo fa parte del sentiero del torrente, altamente raccomandato.Il percorso si snoda in parte con terreno soffice di conifere, poi sempre piuttosto roccioso si prosegue

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  5. The first third of this hike was the ascent towards Kandel, almost terraced, sometimes steep, sometimes flat, then steep again.In six steps it was sometimes quite violent uphill on alternating narrow and wide forest paths, which the higher you get, the more beautiful Always beautiful views towards Haslachsimonswald

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  6. 04:23
    20,0 km
    4,6 km/h
    890 m
    910 m

    The first path has a 17% gradient right at the beginning, but it is still quite brisk

    - very light drizzle set in

    To relax, the next two kilometers on a wide, beautiful, but not very interesting forest path were just right

    - the drizzle was replaced by light rain

    On the next ascent, imagination was asked

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  7. 02:32
    10,5 km
    4,1 km/h
    680 m
    210 m

    Great hike, only at the Wilder Gutach along, then from km 5.5 very super nice but really steep steep Singletrail. In the further course (km 6.5) are some trails, where we then chose the same wrong :) only 500 m, the way was up to a small piece but also good to walk.

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  8. Una volta all'anno è la volta dello Schultiskopf, anche se dal punto di vista preferisco l'Höllkopf, la vista sulla valle di Simonswald è gigantesca lì, e anche lì il sentiero! Gigantesca ripida 🤪 ma super bella. Il resto della salita fino allo Schultiskopf mi mostra sempre i miei limiti 😄. Poi si

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  9. I became aware of the Wäldersteig through a tour by Silvia Strinitz, thank you Silvia for this recommendation

    The Wäldersteig begins right at the hikers' parking lot - and with a blatant 24% incline 🤪 ... and that stayed the same for the next 300 meters in altitude - so that was really tough. In between

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  10. 03:32
    18,0 km
    5,1 km/h
    770 m
    720 m

    Ho iniziato a Simonswald e sono stato subito accolto da un "branco" di coccinelle 😄.

    Poi inizia il Jägerpfad, un bel sentiero stretto, per lo più costante e moderata pendenza su un sottosuolo spesso soffice, ricco di radici ma a volte roccioso.Poco dopo la capanna del cuore si raggiunge il punto pi

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  11. 02:53
    15,6 km
    5,4 km/h
    800 m
    840 m

    I took over the tour with just a few deviations from KISS (Tanja? 🙂, did I read that correctly?), Thank you Tanja for your tip on the Kostgfälschlucht.

    The first kilometer is tough, at the beginning of the Kostgfälschlucht a rocky path winds along the Haslachsimonswälderbach with small waterfalls and

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  12. 03:50
    17,7 km
    4,6 km/h
    860 m
    840 m

    After the snow is still to come, there was the planned for next year Schultiskopf explore.

    The first five kilometers, however, have it in itself - gradients of

    Very best 🤪, but very beautiful hiking trails and single trails on the whole tour.

    The direction was correct, the ascent as a descent would be too steep for me.

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  13. 03:24
    16,3 km
    4,8 km/h
    810 m
    750 m

    The path to the beginning on the Hörnleberg is a broad, easy to walk, but slightly gravelly path, which is also not very varied. The Hörnlebergkapelle has an open-air altar with beautifully arranged tiered Papstbänken before the super view down to Niederwinden.

    The way to the Tafelbühl is a wonderful

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  14. 02:31
    11,1 km
    4,4 km/h
    290 m
    180 m

    After a fierce 20% climb, a beautiful forest trail follows through almost exclusively coniferous forest to Simonswald. Then along the Wilden river along to the matching bus stop.

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  15. 03:41
    18,2 km
    4,9 km/h
    830 m
    840 m

    Started at the Elzach train station, the first 2.6 km were quite deserted and not recommended, there are nicer climbs to the Yacher Höhenweg. The Yacher Höhenweg itself was great, first the serpentines, then a beautiful path and then a beautiful forest path that leads to the Tafelbühl goes up, the view

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  16. 03:30
    14,2 km
    4,0 km/h
    750 m
    760 m

    The self-made hike, on the paths, some of which have not been used for years, leads through a very beautiful pine forest. In the hope of a great view on the Hornkopf, we ran up the side at the top of the summit, which you would have saved The descent was a bit tedious because at times it was quite steep

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  17. 02:26
    11,2 km
    4,6 km/h
    310 m
    300 m

    I took the idea for today's tour of the pond gorge from Patrick, who planned a slightly larger tour there, thanks to Patrick for the trigger. 👍

    My smaller round today begins at the end of Obersimonswald: The path along the Wilden Gutach is soft, narrow - beautiful, past a large fallow deer enclosure

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  18. 03:47
    16,8 km
    4,5 km/h
    820 m
    820 m

    I have planned the serpentine path up towards Wolfsgrubenkapf for a long time. Started in Simonswald on the Panoramaweg, but only briefly, then went straight up to the top for a wonderful view of Haslachsimonswald and behind it the entire summit tour including the Höll- u.Schultiskopf Look.

    Then the path

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  19. The source of the Danube has been on my list for a long time, as luck would have it, Markus provides me with the right round for it, Markus, I also implemented your recommendation to start the tour further down the valley - thanks for the tour and the tip up on a beautiful path and after the first ascent

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  20. 02:22
    10,3 km
    4,3 km/h
    420 m
    420 m

    At 2.8 km 410 meters in altitude at the beginning of the tour was really hard, but the path offers so much to see and marvel that you only realize how strenuous it is towards the end of the climb.

    The hike begins at a hiking parking lot on a wide path to the first barbecue area, then it becomes narrow

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    276 km
  • Durata
    60:50 h
  • Dislivello
    13.110 m

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