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Percorsi per bici da corsa

Valleys and monasteries — the Origins of the Kingdom of Aragon

Percorsi per bici da corsa

Valleys and monasteries — the Origins of the Kingdom of Aragon

Felipe Cuenca Diaz (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Valleys and monasteries — the Origins of the Kingdom of Aragon

Ciclismo su strada – Raccolta by Pilar Puebla

3 Tour

14:16 h

207 km

4.250 m

The Origins of the Kingdom of Aragon route was created by the regional government to promote 'slow' tourism under the Aragon Slow Driving brand.

As it runs entirely on roads with little traffic, it’s perfect for enjoying road cycling and getting to know some of the most traditional villages in this area of the Spanish Pyrenees.

On the other hand, it’s a route for cyclists who love the mountains and nature as well. It crosses some of the most beautiful valleys of the Aragonese Pyrenees. During the ascent and descent to the monasteries of San Juan de la Peña, you can enjoy panoramic views that etch themselves in your memory.

I propose an adaptation of the official route where you complete it in three stages on a road bike. I’ve also added the climb to two of my favourite places in the region of La Jacetania: the refuges of Lizara and Linza. Both are located in hidden valleys and surrounded by high mountains that always make me feel both happy and small at the same time.

There are three stages of between 55 and 83 kilometres (34–52 mi) each with a similar difference in altitude, around 1,400 - 1,500 metres (4,600–4,900 ft). This Collection has a total of 216 kilometres (134 mi) with 4,400 metres (14,400 ft) of elevation gain and is manageable for anyone used to road cycling.

I propose these stages with overnight stays in Hecho and Ansó. You can also sleep (with prior reservation) in the refuges or in the accommodation located in Aísa, Aragüés del Puerto and Santa Cruz de la Serós.

The best times to do this route are from late spring to early summer or early autumn. In other words: May, June and September. This ensures that there’s no ice or snow at high altitudes or in shady areas, and that it’s not too hot. However, summer is not a bad time because excessively high temperatures are rare, except during heat waves. If you do go in summer, it's a good idea to set off early.

To get to Jaca with your bike, you can take the Canfranero, the train that connects Zaragoza with Canfranc. If you indicate when you buy your ticket on the Renfe website that you’re travelling with your bike, you can take it in specific areas of the train without dismantling it. There are also buses to Jaca from Pamplona, Huesca and Zaragoza, but in this case you’ll have to carry your bike as luggage in the hold, in a bag and dismantled. If you go by car, you’ll find a car park next to the Citadel (the starting point of this Collection) or in several streets in the vicinity where parking is free.

In the description of each stage, you’ll find more details about the location of bars, restaurants and food shops so that you can plan your trip in detail.

Have a great day cycling through some of Aragon's most fascinating passes and landscapes.

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Valles ocultos y monasterios de leyenda - Reinterpretando Los Orígenes del Reino de Aragón

216 km

4.410 m

4.410 m

Ultimo aggiornamento: ‪2 maggio 2024


  1. Map data © Mappa Open Street contributors

    Etapa 1: De Jaca a Hecho — Reinterpretando Los Orígenes del Reino de Aragón

    69,0 km
    14,3 km/h
    1.540 m
    1.560 m
    Giro in bici da corsa per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Superfici per lo più asfaltate e facili da percorrere in bici.

    In questa prima tappa, partendo da Jaca, una città con tutti i servizi, si entra nella valle dell'Aragona lungo la strada N-330 per 9,9 chilometri (attenzione qui al traffico in estate).


    Si prende la deviazione a sinistra per affrontare la salita ad Aratorés lungo una strada molto più tranquilla (ma anche

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. 04:28
    55,7 km
    12,5 km/h
    1.360 m
    1.320 m
    Giro in bici da corsa per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Superfici per lo più asfaltate e facili da percorrere in bici.

    Questa tappa ti porta attraverso tre dei borghi più autentici dei Pirenei aragonesi.

    Siresa è una tappa obbligata per la storia legata al suo monumentale monastero di Siresa.

    Hecho e Ansó sono due cittadine molto affascinanti che in primavera e in estate solitamente sfoggiano balconi decorati con gerani

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 04:59
    82,8 km
    16,6 km/h
    1.350 m
    1.370 m
    Giro in bici da corsa per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Alcune parti del percorso potrebbero essere non asfaltate o difficili da percorrere in bici.

    L'inizio di questa fase è puro divertimento! Si inizia con una lunga discesa attraverso la Foz de Biniés, una strada racchiusa nella montagna che è una bellezza e in cui troverai diversi (brevi) tunnel e punti panoramici.

    Quando si arriva a Berdún bisogna immettersi sulla strada nazionale e percorrerla

    Tradotto daVedi originale



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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    207 km
  • Durata
    14:16 h
  • Dislivello
    4.250 m

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