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Greiz und Umgebung zu Fuß erschließen


Greiz und Umgebung zu Fuß erschließen


Greiz und Umgebung zu Fuß erschließen

Raccolta by Frank_S.

7 Tour

18:35 h

102 km

2.530 m

Greiz und seine Umgebung stehen für hervorragende Wanderwege, die sehr gut ausgeschildert sind und mit unter ein anspruchsvolles Profil aufweisen.

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. Neumühle - Röschnitzgrund - Greiz - Neumühle

    16,6 km
    4,9 km/h
    420 m
    390 m

    On Saturday, May 15, 2021 we drove from Altenburg on the B7 to Schmölln and on via Mannichswalde, Seelingstädt, Trünzig and Teichwolframsdorf to Neumühle / Elster. We want to develop a circuit that leads us through the forests of Greiz and along the Elster. Our parking lot is located directly at the

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  2. On Monday, May 24th, 2021 we drove from Altenburg on the B7 to Schmölln and on via Mannichswalde, Seelingstädt, Trünzig, Teichwolframsdorf and Neumühle / Elster to Greiz. We want to develop a circuit that leads us through Greizer Park, the city center and the forests from Greiz to Waldhaus and the White

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  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. On Wednesday June 2nd, 2021 we drove from Altenburg on the B7 to Schmölln and further on the S289 in the direction of Werdau, Neumark and Reichenbach, in order to then drive from Mylau to Netzkau. There we drove to the parking lot at the Göltzschtalbrücke.


    Today we opened up a circuit that brought us

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  5. 03:39
    15,8 km
    4,3 km/h
    520 m
    320 m

    Greiz, Göltzschmündung, Köhlersteig, Schöne Aussicht, Hoher Stein, Am Sorgbruch, Göltzsch, Köhlerspitzen, Schwarzhammermühle, Am Echo, Salzstraße, Göltzschtalbrücke, Schöne Aussicht, Galgenberg, Greiz,

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  6. 02:33
    15,0 km
    5,9 km/h
    390 m
    370 m

    On the Elsterperlenweg we first hike over the Idahöhe to the Teufelskanzel. We leave the "EPW" hiking trail there, only to meet it again later on the other side of the Elster.

    - Castle park, air bridge, Idahöhe, Teufelskanzel, Bretmühle,

    - Elsterbrücke on the Taubenfurth, Neuhammer, Hammerberg, crossing

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  7. La "Elster Perlenweg", chi la conosce, sa quanto sia bella e varia, e se non l'hai ancora camminata, dovresti assolutamente inserirla nella tua agenda di escursioni!

    Dopo 5 escursioni lungo l'Elster sull'Elster Perlenweg ci siamo spostati un po' più in basso e siamo partiti da Neumühle. Oggi dovrebbe

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  8. Camminiamo sull'Elster Perlenweg quasi come nelle Alpi. Si percorre stretti sentieri che corrono stretti sulle pendici dell'Elstertal, costantemente in salita e in discesa. Alla fine si sommano circa 300 metri di dislivello. La prima meta è il Pfarrzipfel, poi si prosegue sul Mühlburschensteig fino all

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    102 km
  • Durata
    18:35 h
  • Dislivello
    2.530 m

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