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West Coast Loop


West Coast Loop

Charles Mauch

West Coast Loop

Raccolta by Charles Mauch

11 Tour

37:21 h

540 km

5.090 m

06/04/2022 - My wheel might be busted, but my feet aren't.I'm heading back to Oregon on the 7th. I'm going to Through Hike the Oregon Coast. Follow link for more info.komoot.com/collection/1574415/-2022-oregon-coast-thru-hike05/27/2022 - BIKE TOUR SCRATCHEDMy rear wheel rim is toast. Heading home to regroup. It looks like it will several weeks until a new wheel is available, so I’ll probably just do a lot of backpacking this summer.---I am generally heading south on the Pacific Coast and then north up through the Sierras and the Cascades. The round trip on paper without side-trips totals about 3,600 miles (5900km). I save the routes actually ridden here on komoot. My planned route should be viewable at caltopo.com/m/1U1T5 which is the mapping service I prefer. All the gear I'm bringing is listed at lighterpack.com/r/f89hez. My bike is a new 2022 Surly Disc Trucker (64cm).The ride south will be slow and relaxed, with lots of stops and checking out all the interesting and touristy stuff. When I turn north near Palmdale services will become scarce, and the roads will probably be harsh, steep, and in many cases gravel. I’ll probably need to route around forest fires.I hope to return home in late August or early September. I will probably also post short written notes or content on my mastodon instance at mauch.social/@cmauch

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. Rachel's House

    57,9 km
    17,0 km/h
    300 m
    270 m
  2. 05:19
    74,5 km
    14,0 km/h
    1.180 m
    1.080 m

    Ciao Carlo, speriamo di rivederci. Sono a Catlemme. Saluti Flurin (bella foto!)

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 03:17
    44,6 km
    13,6 km/h
    410 m
    400 m
  5. 06:22
    93,8 km
    14,8 km/h
    760 m
    870 m
  6. 03:07
    44,4 km
    14,3 km/h
    400 m
    430 m
  7. 00:28
    6,17 km
    13,3 km/h
    40 m
    40 m
  8. 05:23
    74,3 km
    13,8 km/h
    890 m
    900 m
  9. 00:12
    2,51 km
    12,3 km/h
    10 m
    10 m
  10. 05:21
    77,8 km
    14,5 km/h
    670 m
    700 m
  11. 01:33
    19,7 km
    12,8 km/h
    170 m
    160 m

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    540 km
  • Durata
    37:21 h
  • Dislivello
    5.090 m

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