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Percorsi e itinerari ciclabili

Ring of Kerry — on two wheels around the Iveragh Peninsula

Percorsi e itinerari ciclabili

Ring of Kerry — on two wheels around the Iveragh Peninsula

© Chris Hill Photographic

Ring of Kerry — on two wheels around the Iveragh Peninsula

Cicloturismo – Raccolta by Irland



5-5 h

/ giorno

238 km

2.890 m

2.860 m

The names of the places you'll pass on this ride sound like something out of a fantasy film. You assume that you'll encounter small trolls, dwarves and other mythical creatures as you glide through the unbelievably green, unimaginably beautiful landscape in front of a magical backdrop. Only this place actually exists — and it's called the Ring of Kerry. Here, in this wonderful corner of Ireland, you'll enjoy picturesque bays, rugged cliffs and lush green mountain ridges. You'll cross idyllic villages and pass mystical stone circles or ancient bridges that are silent witnesses to the long history of this extraordinary landscape.

There is no better means to discover this stunning place than by bike. As you glide over the landscape on two wheels, you'll travel fast enough to discover the Ring of Kerry over a long weekend, whilst being slow enough that you'll have ample time to take it all in. You'll feel the mild wind blowing around your ears, hear the sound of the waves as you roll along the coast and smell the scent of the numerous, rare herbs and plants on the lush green hills of the mountains. And you'll be able to stop whenever you want to see something amazing along the way or just enjoy the breathtaking scenery for a little longer.

By bike, you have access to roads and paths that are rarely used by cars. And this is exactly what you'll be doing on the three stages of this ride. We've planned these routes so that they stick to as many side roads as possible and avoid the centers of the touristy hustle and bustle often found in these parts. We've also planned this route in a clockwise direction as trucks and buses — the very vehicles that ferry tourists in and out of this region — tend to drive in the other direction to avoid road jams along the way. By riding this route clockwise, you shouldn't have many, if any, trucks, buses or lorries riding up alongside you, making this a safer and quieter alternative to the standard tourist route.

When you ride through such an enchanting landscape, it makes sense to spend the nights as close to nature as possible. That's why we've added in campsites as your places to spend the night. This will make your Ring-of-Kerry weekend a really great outdoor bikepacking adventure. If you prefer a little more comfort, the small towns along the way also offer plenty of opportunities to sleep with a roof over your head. The numerous Bed & Breakfasts, which are usually well prepared for cyclists, offer an inexpensive alternative.

To divide the full 150-mile (236-kilometer) ride into something a little more manageable, we've planned three stages, each around 50 miles long (80 kilometers). If you are used to longer distances, you can, of course, make two slightly longer rides out of them. In principle, the routes are intended for road bikes, although some of the streets you'll ride down maybe a tad bumpy. The first stage also includes a gravel passage that is about three miles (five kilometers) long. We therefore recommend that you equip your road bike with slightly thicker tires or use a gravel bike. This will make you much more flexible and safer on the road.

To get you there, there are some non-stop flights to County Kerry Airport, a small airport located just a few miles from Killarney. Alternatively, you can fly to Dublin and take the three-hour train to Killarney. If you want to travel by train, make sure you book your bike in advance, as well as on the plane, of course. If you have more time, it's best to enjoy our Ring-of-Kerry ride as part of a longer holiday — because the rest of Ireland is beautiful too!

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Ring of Kerry

239 km

2.880 m

2.880 m

Ultimo aggiornamento: ‪18 aprile 2024

Utilizza il Multi-Day Planner e pianifica questa avventura utilizzando le tappe suggerite in questa Raccolta.

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Ring of Kerry Tours

  1. Map data © Mappa Open Street contributors

    Etappe 1: Von Killarney nach Sneem – Ring of Kerry

    81,4 km
    13,7 km/h
    1.140 m
    1.160 m
    Giro gravel per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Alcune parti del percorso potrebbero essere non asfaltate o difficili da percorrere in bici.

    Killarney è la base perfetta per un tour in bicicletta del Ring of Kerry. La cittadina è facilmente accessibile e ha un accogliente centro città con piccoli pub dove puoi annusare un po' di atmosfera irlandese o sorseggiare una deliziosa Guinness la sera prima dell'inizio del tour. Diversi B&B e hotel

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. 05:34
    79,3 km
    14,3 km/h
    1.010 m
    990 m
    Giro gravel per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Superfici perlopiù asfaltate. Adatto a ogni livello di abilità.

    Da Sneem si parte con una piccola salita su un colle, da cui si sale dritti verso la costa poco dopo. Qui si segue la strada dalla quale si gode di una vista mozzafiato sul mare e sulla costa frastagliata. Sulla sinistra passerai davanti a un campeggio situato in una posizione meravigliosa, che è una

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. 05:14
    77,2 km
    14,8 km/h
    740 m
    720 m
    Giro gravel per esperti. Ottimo allenamento richiesto. Superfici perlopiù asfaltate. Adatto a ogni livello di abilità.

    Potrebbe una giornata iniziare meglio? Sei su una mini isola in Irlanda. Acqua tutto intorno a te e la fantastica vista di un paesaggio che non potrebbe essere più invitante. Ed è proprio questo paesaggio lo scenario dell'odierno tour in bicicletta sul Ring of Kerry. Ma prima di pedalare, rilassati un

    Tradotto daVedi originale



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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    238 km
  • Durata
    16:45 h
  • Dislivello
    2.890 m2.860 m

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