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Percorsi per bici da corsa

#transit: My farewell to pro-cycling – from Como to Lecchi in two days

Percorsi per bici da corsa

#transit: My farewell to pro-cycling – from Como to Lecchi in two days

Laurens ten Dam

#transit: My farewell to pro-cycling – from Como to Lecchi in two days

Ciclismo su strada – Raccolta by Laurens ten Dam

3 Tour

10:06 h

528 km

4.750 m

On 12th October 2019 I competed in the Giro di Lombardia in Italy. That was it. I rode my last race as a professional cyclist.

Early the next morning, we - Sam Oomen, Stefan Bolt and I - had made a plan. The idea was to ride our bikes all the way from Lombardia to Lecchi in Chianti – that’s over 500 kilometers in only two days.

#transit – which was made into a film by LSRF (live slow ride fast) – was my way of saying goodbye to the peloton, but this journey also marked my transition from pro cyclist to pro adventurer.

I chose Lecchi because that’s where my manager João has a B&B. I hadn’t been on my annual trip there yet that year and really wanted to thank him for his support over the years. It also meant revisiting many of the beautiful places I was lucky enough to experience during my professional cycling career.
It was going to be a special farewell, so why the rush? Admittedly our speedy itinerary didn’t follow my newly-found ‘live slow’ philosophy, but it was my son’s fifth birthday the day after we would arrive in Lecchi – and family time is high on the live-slow agenda.

The route led us through stunning, varied and challenging terrain. From the Po Plain to the stunning, rugged Cinque Terre coastal area, through iconic Tuscan vineyards and cypress-lined hills. And one of the best things about riding in Tuscany is being able to get great food and drink wherever you stop!

It was an emotional trip, to say the least, digging deep into the reserves of everybody who joined us in making both the trip and the film a reality.

Vedi sulla mappa



  1. Day 1: Como to Sestri Levante – #transit

    268 km
    -- km/h
    1.200 m
    1.380 m

    Il primo giorno del nostro viaggio è stato un racconto di due metà: la prima parte veloce e pianeggiante, passando per la Pianura Padana, la seconda parte molto collinare prima di ridiscendere verso la costa.


    Includere la bellissima zona delle Cinque Terre nel nord-ovest dell'Italia è stata una mia idea

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  2. 09:12
    235 km
    25,5 km/h
    3.160 m
    2.680 m

    Avevamo ancora 278 chilometri davanti a noi e oggi abbiamo affrontato anche oltre 3000 metri di dislivello. Tuttavia, abbiamo iniziato la giornata di buon umore!


    Le iconiche viste panoramiche, le case colorate e le ripide terrazze delle Cinque Terre ci hanno accompagnato per la prima parte della giornata

    Tradotto daVedi originale


  3. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  4. Meno di 25 chilometri per arrivare al nostro traguardo a Lecchi in Chianti ma Dio, dovevamo scavare in profondità per andare avanti.


    Per fortuna, João mi ha scherzosamente ricordato che tecnicamente ero ancora il suo atleta e non dovevo osare nemmeno pensare di salire in macchina.


    Era buio pesto, eravamo

    Tradotto daVedi originale


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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    528 km
  • Durata
    10:06 h
  • Dislivello
    4.750 m

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