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Exploring Sierra de Espadan by bike


Exploring Sierra de Espadan by bike

Exploring Sierra de Espadan by bike

45,1 km
12,4 km/h
960 m
930 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
11 m
The start of the loop: Ermita Santa Cristina
Getting the route ready
779 m
Beautiful olive grove section
1,61 km
2,42 km
Time to hit gravel!
4,52 km
5,23 km
Warming up, storing our jackets!
Approaching the Penyes!
Trail gets rockier
6,03 km
There's the Penyes, what a sight!
Admiring the rock formations
Following the gravel track after Penyes Aragoneses
7,07 km
8,01 km
Picking minneolas for lunch
8,82 km
11,5 km
Starting another gravel section, steep beginning
12,3 km
Great gravel path!
13,1 km
At km 16,9 starts the bushy hike-a-bike
Checking Komoot to verify the upcoming hike-a-bike
Dead trees covering the path, but there's ways around them
3... 4...
1... 2...
Watch out for all the thorny bushes
Watch out for the trees, too
Short, steep section
Getting there!
Rosemary festival
That's it, we're through!
14,1 km
Can you spot the owl?
Following a fine track upwards
15,0 km
Old man's viewpoint
Cartel hideout
15,9 km
Crossing over the top
Headed down to Tales
17,0 km
Little lunch break
Tapping water at Font de Monti
18,6 km
Steep climb at the cemetary
19,7 km
The Pinion C1.12 is making steep climbs easier than ever
Cozy street
More steep climbs!!
Secret tap to quench your thirst
Everything is going to be ok :)
21,2 km
Following the asphalt main road to Sueras
22,5 km
Number 1
Nice tiles!
Number 2
23,6 km
'Warning, no way out!' Good...
25,1 km
Stopping over at El Refugio
26,0 km
See the castle atop?
27,1 km
QR codes for more info, you're welcome
Picnic spot with a huge fountain
A great place to camp out for the night!
27,8 km
Continuing upwards on the gravel path
28,7 km
Local flora
Easy peasy on these Smart Sam tires from Schwalbe
29,7 km
Following the GR36 now
Beautiful almond grove
Look at those colors!
30,7 km
There's the castle again!
Starting the short hike-a-bike climb to the top
Watch out for these bad boys
Don't try this at home
Hike-a-biking downhill; too steep to ride
Pretty challenging section
31,3 km
31,6 km
The caterpillar train
Look! It's a caterpillar train!
32,9 km

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45,1 km



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e hanno fatto un giro in bici da corsa.

11 febbraio 2022


  • 13 febbraio 2022

    Venerdì scorso Belén ed io siamo usciti per esplorare in bicicletta la meravigliosa regione di Castellón, qui in Spagna. Siamo stati fortunati con il tempo e abbiamo iniziato un percorso che Belén ha progettato per un giro di un giorno veloce, divertente ma impegnativo. Equipaggiato con i pacchetti di

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 13 febbraio 2022

    Grazie per averci mostrato questo bellissimo percorso. Questo dà spunti per viaggiare con la sua mountain bike.

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 13 febbraio 2022

    Tour molto interessante con molte belle immagini. Ci sei quasi.

    Tradotto daVedi originale

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