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Belén Castelló (belletoscan) ha scoperto questo luogo con komoot!

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Belén Castelló (belletoscan)

Alpes Vaudoises: E-bike Scouting Trip

Belén Castelló (belletoscan)

Alpes Vaudoises: E-bike Scouting Trip

Alpes Vaudoises: E-bike Scouting Trip

176 km
15,3 km/h
4.330 m
4.340 m
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Punto di partenza
0 m
Fresh and excited for our Alpes Vaudoises Tour! Ready to departure from Lausanne
4,24 km
Enjoying the last view of Lac Leman before starting the climb to enter the Alps.
8,12 km
Grandvaux: one of the many little and cute towns in the area.
10,2 km
The area if full of vineyards and you can easily cycle along the smaller roads going through.
11,2 km
Entering Route de la Corniche. Watch our since its a busy road on the weekends!
Enjoying the sinuous Route de la Corniche. Climbing with this view makes things easy!
13,2 km
Steep descend into Rivaz.
30,2 km
Compulsory stop by Château de Chillon.
34,6 km
Lovely bike lane following Route 1 or 46.
44,2 km
Following route 1 by the Rhône river. The bike lane is awesome!
52,2 km
The many vineyards in Vaud.
Cycling past Château d’Aigle.
55,4 km
Ascending on gravel: always fun. (But especially on an e-MTB!)
57,0 km
Snack stop by the road. We are following part of the 527 MTB route.
60,3 km
Lovely ascend through the forest on gravel tracks.
63,5 km
Freshening up by a spring before heading into La Bercière. Switzerland is full of these springs which are always very welcomed!
Finally found some single track!
64,4 km
Track can get muddy though!
Gotta love single track paths. This one belongs to the 572 MTB route.
68,3 km
We are getting closer to the top! Super excited to see the snowy caps of the Alps Vaudoises.
72,9 km
Winding roads around the lakes in Col de Bretaye.
76,5 km
Super smooth descent following route 68.
78,9 km
Checking Komoot to make sure we are on the right track. And we were!
79,6 km
Storm is approaching!
81,1 km
Tristan (@tristanbogaard). He is the one taking all the awesome shots of me. =)
First peek into the town of Les Diablerets and Glacier 3000.
82,3 km
Last gravel stretch before entering asphalt again on the road to Col de la Croix.
85,4 km
Speedy descent into Les Diablerets on smooth asphalt without a single vehicle to be seen!
88,3 km
Entering the town of Les Diablerets; our stop for the night.
89,4 km
Evening light on from Les Diablerets.
91,7 km
Pleeeenty of bike routes to choose from. Switzerland has a great system and signs!
Sweet climbing.
92,8 km
I can finally keep up with Tristan on the climbs thanks to Turbo Mode! =)
On our way to Leysin following route 68.
94,6 km
Short single track / rough path through a forested are with wide open views at the end.
96,5 km
Me. Forgetting that the rental E-MTB has a stand. =)
Single track starts here for some KM, it's very manageable to cycle the whole way.
Gravel path through the forests descending into Comballaz.
97,4 km
Lovely track with no one else in sight.
98,2 km
Snack time! But no time to stop shooting!
102 km
Cyclist keeping the right speed! =)
113 km
Little escape for a sunset mission at Prafandaz. The track there is short and lovely!
Sunset views into Lac Leman from Prafandaz in Leysin.
119 km
The climb already starts outside of Leysin. Following routes 1 & 68 today.
Switzerland mobility has its routes under control!
120 km
Starting the day off greatly on gravel!
Small cyclist, big mountains. My favourite combination!
121 km
Happy T on the bike.
Can the view get ever prettier!!!!
122 km
Rough and bumpy track ahead. You definitely need solid breaks and thick tires!
Things got muddy again.
123 km
Tricky descend on some points (rocks and roots) but it can all be mostly descended on the bike. So much fun!
125 km
Springs. Always saving us. Great for brushing out the cow poop splashes too!
Route 68 has quite a few gates for cattle. You need to dismount and walk your bike over the little doors or fences.
126 km
Lovely track down the mountain.
127 km
A little break to indulge on the views.
129 km
Can't love this place enough. Especially since we haven't crossed a vehicle in the whole day!
130 km
Greeting the locals.
131 km
Small strecht of hike-a-bike. Simply too narrow a bumpy (many roots) to pedal.
134 km
Almost at the end of the path.
135 km
Another of the many gets we needed to open to get through.
They forgot this is a bike path. Thankfully Tristan is tall enough for these puzzles!
136 km
Following the scenic route de l'Hongrin by the gorge and river.
137 km
First views onto Lac de l'Hongrin.
141 km
Views from the damn into the tunnel we'll be taking. See the little cyclist?
Short 200m tunnel without light. It's pretty dark, so watch out not to slide!
144 km
Not a soul to be seen. Lovey and quiet valley undiscovered by tourism.
145 km
Super scenic route (number 4) through the valley.
148 km
The mighty climb to Col de Jaman is starting! This is also the end stage of the Hope1000 race.
150 km
Leg power! (or actually in our case... Turbo mode!) =)
152 km
Loose gravel on the last ascend to Col de Jaman (20% gradient)
Almost at the top. Gotta stay hydrated!
153 km
Loving the climb. You can see the all the curving from further above.
156 km
Cyclist and Pedestrian only road! Mostly cause there's massive rocks that have fallen down on the track.
157 km
Following the 599 route down into Vevey. Watch out for the cattle gates!
160 km
And just when you thought the descend was finally here, the last hike-a-bike pops up!
162 km
Fun gate jumps in between properties. Just don't forget to close the path access afterwards!
167 km
Speeding back into civilisation.
172 km
Descending at 40km/h! Finally the reward!
176 km
Cruising through the town of Vevey in search for a lunch spot!
176 km
Back in Vevey, enjoying a well deserved lunch by Lac Leman.
And that's it for this trip! We take the boat back to Lausanne to enjoy the views from the water perspective. =)
176 km



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e hanno fatto un giro in MTB

17 giugno 2021


  • 24 giugno 2021

    Abbiamo avuto l'opportunità di esplorare per una settimana le Alpi Vodesi in Svizzera per scoprire la zona e progettare un percorso ciclabile che potremo guidare in futuro. Questa parte delle Alpi è una delle più sconosciute, il che significa che ci sono molti meno turisti e l'esperienza in bicicletta

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 28 luglio 2021

    Ciao Belen,

    Sono un seguace dei tuoi percorsi, libri e canali Instagram, oltre che dei video di YouTube ;D

    Grazie per averci ispirato!


    Volevo chiedervi se questo percorso attraverso le Alpi Vodesi sarebbe fattibile su una bici gravel (senza motore ;D), o se ci sono molte discese complicate che renderebbero

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • Ciao!


    Direi che la MTB (o almeno la sospensione anteriore) è molto apprezzata. Ci sono parecchi tratti di ghiaia e asfalto, ma alcuni tratti di single track sono duri. Non sono troppi, quindi forse anche un'escursione in bicicletta sarebbe una buona soluzione. =)


    Facci sapere se fai il giro! Curioso di conoscere i tuoi pensieri!

    Tradotto daVedi originale
  • 28 luglio 2021

    OK, grazie mille per la tua rapida risposta. Difficile decidere! ;-D


    Ovviamente vi farò sapere se finalmente riuscirò ad andarci quest'estate.


    Grazie ancora e buona fortuna con tutto il tuo ciclismo!

    Tradotto daVedi originale

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