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Weaving the Waterways (V)


Weaving the Waterways (V)

Weaving the Waterways (V)

45,5 km
21,1 km/h
50 m
40 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
1,51 km
Lots of traditional windmills along this route!
4,69 km
Lonely boat by Alkmaardermeer
6,16 km
Snack view
Spring is coming!
10,2 km
Windmill in the meadows. Sometimes they're open for a visit!
12,0 km
Geese chilling in the sun
12,7 km
Bike lane just outside of Uitgeest, tailwind riding
16,8 km
Another windmill near Krommenie.
17,5 km
This ferry is only functional between April 15th and October 15th.
Pay attention to the ferry schedules when planning your route!
26,2 km
Waterway living!
28,8 km
Lunchspot view
32,3 km
Typical Dutch scenery often includes lines and rows!
On the way back to Akersloot, along the canal
34,2 km
Bike directions and another closed ferry (functioning from April 1st)
Amazing bicycle directions, lovely infrastructure.
34,5 km
36,2 km
Mother and child. Don't eat animals!
The lambs are out, spending time with mom while they can... :(
42,4 km
Last ferry of the day, this time functional and €1,25 per way.
Running the Wahoo Elemnt Roam as testing for longer rides to come!
Welcome to Akersloot
Look who found me! It's @belletoscan
43,9 km
Weaving the Waterways at its best. Windmill, flat land, canals, bike lane and blue sky. Perfect day. See you next time!
45,5 km



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ha fatto un giro in bici da corsa.

25 marzo 2021


  • 26 marzo 2021

    Ieri è uscito il sole e quindi è arrivato il momento di intrecciare dei corsi d'acqua! Attenzione però, poiché questa rotta è meglio percorsa tra metà aprile e metà ottobre a causa dei piccoli traghetti che operano solo in quei mesi.


    Questa volta il percorso è iniziato appena ad est di Heiloo e, come

    Tradotto daVedi originale

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