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Belén Castelló (belletoscan) ha scoperto questo luogo con komoot!

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Belén Castelló (belletoscan)

Bikepacking Asturias – Arriondas a Cabezón de la Sal

Belén Castelló (belletoscan)

Bikepacking Asturias – Arriondas a Cabezón de la Sal

Bikepacking Asturias – Arriondas a Cabezón de la Sal

201 km
12,5 km/h
4.370 m
4.270 m
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Riepilogo Tour

Punto di partenza
7,85 km
Roman Bridge at Cangas de Onís
18,2 km
Fueling up before the long climb. You can see the Monastery of Covadonga in the background.
23,7 km
Halfway through the climb to lagos de Covadonga. 15% climb.
23,9 km
26,7 km
The fog came in on our way up to Covadonga lakes.
30,5 km
Arriving to the lakes after a long day of climbing.
Lago de la Encina with the fog slowly blowing in the valley.
33,6 km
A moment of pause to enjoy this landscape by ourselves.
A few kilometers on single-track until finding the gravel road again.
34,3 km
Picos de Europa are full of shepherd doggies & pups. They are always friendly!
Steep descend towards Demués.
37,3 km
Curvy roads "down" to Demués.
38,0 km
Lovely fountain to stock up on water.
60,2 km
View to Naranjo de Bulnes.
76,1 km
The climb up to Sotres is on asphalt - luckily traffic is very restricted and therefore, pretty quiet.
78,2 km
The village of Sotres.
Sunset from Sotres
81,7 km
The little shepherd shelters you cross on the way.
82,4 km
Some steep and loose gravel on the way up to the plateau!
83,3 km
Cookies! Our go-to snack!
84,8 km
You know you are close to the base of Picos de Europa when you see this rock!
85,6 km
Last stretch up to Refugio del Águila
85,7 km
86,9 km
Sunrise by Refugio/Hotel Áliva
The cafeteria was open at Refugio Áliva. We enjoy a lovely coffee as a reward!
91,8 km
Crossing the sea of clouds on our descend to Espinama.
159 km
Little fountain by the church - perfect to freshen up!
159 km
159 km
Lovely paths along the coastline - but you'll have to push your bike up/down the stairs!
Views close to Cueva del Pindal
Cycling past the church of Santa Maria de Tina.
193 km
Super nice rest-stop by Ermita de San Antonio.
198 km
Small Redwood Forest on the way!
201 km



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e 2 altre persone hanno fatto un giro in bici.

30 luglio 2020


  • 10 febbraio 2021

    Questo tratto è stato uno dei nostri altri momenti salienti del viaggio nel nord della Spagna. Inizia alla stazione ferroviaria di Arriondas e termina alla stazione ferroviaria di Cabezón de la Sal poiché entrambe le città sono collegate da un treno e, se lo desideri, puoi tornare alla partenza in treno

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