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Söderängstorp-Gålö bikepacking


Söderängstorp-Gålö bikepacking


Söderängstorp-Gålö bikepacking

Raccolta by Jiddo

3 Tour

07:54 h

141 km

1.970 m

Went on a three day bikepacking tour to try out my new home made front roll bag and harness. Got a pretty late start because I had to finish up some final parts of it. Turned out pretty well if you ask me!First day I headed out to an area just south of Söderängstorp which seemed like a good calm place to spend the night. Got there pretty late, after sunset, so I had to set up camp and cook dinner alone in the dark, which was an interesting experience. But the spot I found turned out great and had a good view nearby as well. Second day I headed east towards Gålö, which I've also wanted to check out for a while. On the way there I stumbled upon the Brinkbäcken nature reserve with the biggest waterfall of Botkyrka municipality. Might not mean much, but it was still beautiful! When I finally arrived to Gålö I realized that it was pretty huge and that I didn't have time to check out even a fraction of it, so I focused on the northeastern half. The beach there was great, and the camping looks good as well. I headed a bit further into the forest to find my own camp site just as a short but intense rain shower hit. The camp still turned out well and with a great view. The night was a bit windy and surprised me with some thunder. (Is it safe to use a hammock in the thunder? Hope so!)On the third day my unaccustomed legs were not happy with me, but I needed to head back home to Stockholm. I ended up mostly going along roads that I'm already familiar with, so didn't experience a lot new thing, but it was still a great day for a bike ride!

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Tour e Highlight

  1. Söderängstorp-Gålö bikepacking - Day 1 - Stockholm to Söderängstorp

    42,6 km
    16,2 km/h
    640 m
    610 m
  2. Registrati e scopri luoghi come questo

    Ricevi consigli su singletrack, vette e tante altre avventure imperdibili!

  3. Sfortunatamente ha visto solo la metà nord-est in direzione del bagno di mare, ma sembrava che ci fossero molte attrazioni in tutta l'area e il bagno di mare merita probabilmente una visita indipendentemente dalla stagione!

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  4. Waterfall - Brinkbäcken

    Highlight – Cicloturismo

    A meno di 50 metri dalla strada sterrata (che collega Brink e Lövvreten) si trova la cascata naturale di Brinkbäcken, la più grande cascata del comune di Botkyrka. C'è un piccolo ponte di legno sul ruscello appena sopra la cascata. Posto davvero bellissimo. Consiglio vivamente di provarlo!

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    Suggerimento by Jiddo

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  5. Scogliere molto alte

    Highlight – Cicloturismo

    Questo è un piccolo parcheggio con informazioni sulla riserva naturale di Gålö. C'è un piccolo luogo di riposo e un caminetto qui, proprio sotto alcune scogliere molto alte e quasi completamente verticali. Da qui iniziano alcuni sentieri escursionistici.

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    Suggerimento by Jiddo

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  6. Ampia spiaggia con splendida vista

    Highlight – Cicloturismo

    La spiaggia "Gålö Havsbad" si trova proprio accanto all'area del campeggio Gålö. È dotato di due aree di spiaggia relativamente grandi, una accanto all'altra. C'è anche una dependance pubblica ben tenuta qui.

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    Suggerimento by Jiddo

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La Raccolta in numeri

  • Tour
  • Distanza
    141 km
  • Durata
    07:54 h
  • Dislivello
    1.970 m

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